Beardie problems!!!help!


Mar 23, 2010
ok so i have had my beardie for about four years now (got him as a adult) his name is lucky. well yesterday i went to go feed him and his beard was all black. normally i didnt know what set him off. so thinking that he just got spooked i ignored him, but the next night i walk past his cage and hes still black, and so on to the next day...what can be the cause of this, he has also been grumpy when i was holding him. he has a big encloser, right temperater, can it have something to do with the sand? i am worried for his health, and i dont have any pictures available. oh and i also noticed that he is not laying on his sun bathing log he is laying on the floor in a curled up potion. should i be worried?


Old Timer
Jul 29, 2008
my female does this occasionally. she first did it when i moved my aussi water dragon into the room. she hates that thing for some reason. my male couldn't care less.

now that she is used to it she doesn't do it as often but every once in a while she will just puff up for a day or so and be really hyper but she always settles down.

I'm guessing my male maybe missed there anniversary or her birthday or said something about her mother?