Bearded dragons

Fierce Deity

Old Timer
Mar 5, 2006
I was thinking of picking up one or two of the babies at the pet store. I have not done it yet though, because I don't think I know how to properly care for them. They would be my first lizards. So, how do I care for them, and what should the terrarium set-up look like?


Old Timer
Jan 2, 2005
I kepy my pair togrther (as adults) all year. Except for a couple of weeks before they would breed. As juvis though, I wouldn't do it. Normally they will dominate the smaller one(s) and keep them from eating, bite off toes, and just plain stress them out. As pets they better alone. They tend to interact more with you. I've also kept bigger adult colonies, but always only one male. Good luck and enjoy them.

Fierce Deity

Old Timer
Mar 5, 2006
That's funny, I was watching them in the pet store, and they were beating each up. Smacking and headbutting each other, it's kinda cute, but I guess if they are going to do that I'll just get one. I thought it would be nice to give it a friend though. What if I have a male and a female, or two females?

Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
Fierce Deity said:
What if I have a male and a female, or two females?
Besides what I already said, the internet would like to add:

Its wonderful that you separated them. Bearded dragons should not be bred until at least two years of age. This goes for both males and females. Breeding them too early can cause health problems in both sexes as they are not matured out enough to handle breeding and egg laying...It is recommended that they only be put together for during breeding season... yes..sometimes the males can behave when not in breeding season but many see a female and hormones kick in and the female can become injured from a forceful male or the female may get very aggressive and harm the male. Housing them together all the time can be very stressful for both.