You can use regular nail clippers for people. Just take off the tips and do it in a cold room. In a warm room they are too active and you don't want to cut too much by mistake.
Just the tips as said above. Watch for the quick and trim infront of it, not right at it. Keep some corn starch on hand incase you do cut a little short and they start to bleed.
put a few pieces of slate propped in cage,have had beardies for over ten years and have never had to trim nails,and none of them have sharp claws as a result of the slate
Instead of slate,you can also use ceramic or stone tiles that are 12''X12''.These wear down the nails,are great basking spots,are easily replaced when soiled and can be sterilized in the dishwasher(I wouldn't run them with human dishes),and you can choose colors that best show off the dargon.I got mine at Home Depot for a box of 12 or so for maybe $20.You can use them excusively as substrate,depending on the cageing.
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