bearded dragon questions


Old Timer
Jul 3, 2004
i have 2 bearded dragons that i bought in july (got told they were 3 months old). when are they considered adult? they are about 16" from nose to tip of tail (well actually the tips are missing :eek: ). would they be regular dragons or the smaller version ...rankins? and now they start nodding their heads at each looks kinda funny. plus i think both are male, since they one got a scratch in the face, tho i guess they were fighting and i might need to seperate them. but usually they lay next to each other (or ontop of each other), stretch and lift a paw real slow... or lick at each other (well maby they just go like this :p ;P ), never know, they are brats at times.
but since they love live food (not yet into vegies much) hunting crix and stalking giant mealworms is their favorite thing. since they have a waterdish that they sometimes even lay in, i was wondering if i could throw some feederfish into the they eat feederfish? i know my sliders did, they ate fish, mealworms and crix. but i don't want to add fish for them to hunt if fiah isn't good for them. just trying to get some different food for them. they do like beardie pellets.



Old Timer
Mar 18, 2005
i'd advise against the fish....

they're close to adult... give 'em a few more inches... about a year and a half iirc...


Old Timer
Jul 3, 2004
thanks, i didn't think they'd so but i thought i'd ask and find out.
oh well, crix and giant mealworms it is.


you wouldn't by any chance know anybody that is interested in 2 beardies and a 100 gallon tank and stand and everything with it? i need to sell all of my critters.


Old Timer
Mar 18, 2005
i wish i could
but i'm too far...

You can always post it here or other forums
post at local petshops
and try you're local herpitological society


Old Timer
Apr 20, 2004
mouse said:
thanks, i didn't think they'd so but i thought i'd ask and find out.
oh well, crix and giant mealworms it is.


you wouldn't by any chance know anybody that is interested in 2 beardies and a 100 gallon tank and stand and everything with it? i need to sell all of my critters.
How would you feel about shipping the beardies? I'm out in NM so the tank is out of the question :eek: I build my own custom cages here anyway :) I have two beardies of right now. One male (salmonglowXcoral) about the size of yours, and one female that's just a wee little thing (2.5months leucisticXflamingyellowtiger) You could always try as well... maybe find someone local :) Let me know!


Old Timer
Jul 3, 2004
how do you know if they are female? i heard that you can't tell while they are small? you said you had a 2.5 month old female, mine were 3 months old when i got them. and as to shipping, well they were misrouted on the way here and i had to soak them to re-hydrate them (and it was to be overnight shipping :mad: ). you can't pack them like a T. i got them, they were in a tubberware container with a piece or 2 of paper towels, holes in the tubberwware, tub in box. i'd rather have local pickup since i need to get rid of the tank and wooden stand and all anyways, and my T's/slings.



Old Timer
Apr 20, 2004
mouse said:
how do you know if they are female? i heard that you can't tell while they are small? you said you had a 2.5 month old female, mine were 3 months old when i got them. and as to shipping, well they were misrouted on the way here and i had to soak them to re-hydrate them (and it was to be overnight shipping :mad: ). you can't pack them like a T. i got them, they were in a tubberware container with a piece or 2 of paper towels, holes in the tubberwware, tub in box. i'd rather have local pickup since i need to get rid of the tank and wooden stand and all anyways, and my T's/slings.

Sexing 100% is difficult at best when they are so young... *but* you can get a pretty good idea. I'm 90%+sure of my little girl. Rather than try to explain sexing I'll refer you to a great breeders webpage:) At the size your guys are you should be pretty succesful. sexing your dragon

As far as the shipping goes, I understand completely. My dragons have all arrived without event (via Fed-ex) but I recently had a BP (a problem feeder that would have been labeled a rescue)coming in that got tied up via USPS and didn't make it :( Had no idea the guy was sending thru the postal service til it was too late :( As I said, you might want to try listing them on It's the ebay of the herp world if you aren't already familiar. It isn't uncommon for people to list ads as 'local pickup only'... maybe I should talk to my mother-in-law... she lives in Live Oak :p
Anyway, it's late and I'm rambling. Best Wishes!


Old Timer
Oct 10, 2004
My interest piqued when I saw "100 gallon tank" and "local pickup" as I am in SoCal, but then again I have never heard of marysville so it is probably up north I am guessing?


Old Timer
Jul 3, 2004
Shelob said:
My interest piqued when I saw "100 gallon tank" and "local pickup" as I am in SoCal, but then again I have never heard of marysville so it is probably up north I am guessing?
yup it's northern cali. right next to yuba city, about 45 minutes away from sacramento, if that helps.



Old Timer
Jul 3, 2004
now they want to fight

well now the bigger one (they are the same age, but one is bigger) grabbed the other one by the leg and wouldn't let go. so i had to something (a plastic ruler) to place in the argessors mouth and slightly turn it so the other could remove its front leg. he wasn't hurt too much, but the leg did look piched, so i placed a hamster cage into the tank (with waterdish, small vine... and the smaller beardie) since i didn't have a spare tank. now they act as if they miss each other, but i don't want to chance them hurting each other. the smaller one is "nodding" his head towards the bigger and his throught(spelling?) is turning dark.
i think they might be both male and therefore want to fight. but somebody told me the bigger looks like a female. so now i need to know if they are actually fighting or if they they could be "boy and girl" and have somethings else in mind.
as far as i know they are ~14 months old.



Old Timer
Apr 20, 2004
Well the bobbing and bearding (throat darkening) can go either way... it can be a "Hey look at me, let's make babies" or... "hey you! Submit or I'll kick your butt" Does the larger one lift it's arms and 'wAve' in response to the other's head-bobbing?


Old Timer
Jul 3, 2004
it's the smaller of the two that gets the dark throught and bobs it's head. and i seen them stretch and wave a few times. but they don't look big enough to be mature. i seen a female and it was bigger than either of my dragons... but that was a befor i got them (and they were only 3 months old when i got them) so maby they just look little to me.
but it's the bigger one that nips the other one...unless that is the normal dating for them. i just didn't want to walk into the living room in the morning and find a 3legged dragon, that's why the cage is over the smaller one. but the bigger is now using the half log and the driftwood as a way of getting to sit ontop of the cage of the smaller. i guess they miss the snuggling they normally do, but i don't like them biting each other.


wouldn't 14 months be a bit young? plus they are only about 16" nose to end of tail. well the tip of the tails are not there and the bigger is missing a few toes, but that's how i got them, they were the runts, that got attacked by their siblings. i didn't care if all the toes were there or of the end of the tail was gone, as long as they were healthy and healed when i got them i was happy.