Bearded dragon eggs infertile, couple of questions....

Becky Wheeler

Old Timer
Jun 21, 2005
Hiya Guys,

As you may remember i had 27 eggs from my female on 11 march, Well this morning i checked to see if the eggs were fertile and i am sorry to say they are not. Just looks yellow inside, no sign of veins or a embryo.

Just a couple of questions for you...

1, I've heard that beardies can lay upto 3 clutches from just one mating session? is this true? Could she be pregnant again?

2, I've decided that if she is gravid again, i am going to buy a hovabator, But what can i put in her vivarium (for her to lay eggs) to stop her from laying her eggs everywhere again.

I'm a bit upset that they were not fertile but i guess it was my fault for not having everything setup before, so this time i want to be prepared.


Old Timer
Dec 16, 2002
She can definately lay eggs again. Whether they are fertile or not is another question. (Refer to the other post...I mentioned "candling" the eggs.)
In order for the beardie to lay eggs she needs a burrow. The ones I have owned have to dig their own burrow. When she stops eating much and starts digging everywhere you know she is getting ready to lay eggs. We have a special tank just for egg laying. It has a deep section of top soil kept just moist enough for good digging. You have to watch closely and get the eggs out as soon as possible after she lays them. (They will most likely be buried at this point.) The last thing she wants to do is lay eggs all over the place. They only do that when there is no other alternative and they can't "hold them" anymore.
Good luck!

PS....All of my female beardies are notoriously stubborn. They generally won't want to lay eggs where you want them to. Mine hate being watched while they dig too. If you start a burrow for her, she just might adopt it. All of mine fill it in and start over. :wall: