Bearded Dragon Appreciation Thread

Mojo Jojo

Old Timer
Nov 3, 2002
Post your favorite pics of your beardies!

Here are a few of mine:
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The Juice

Old Timer
May 24, 2003
I just got this guy last week from Arach-attack & I'm thinking about getting a female for him
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Old Timer
Jan 20, 2006
dont put them in the same cage, they dont like to be communal together, and if you put a male/female the male will always want to have sex with her, which can stress out female.
i lost one during their juvenile stage, one dragon bit her leg off (same age) about 4 months old, and eventually died... not fun, so i kept one and plan on keeping one. its up to u though.


Old Timer
Apr 12, 2005

this is the rescue dragon a guy droped off at my store. it was in a 20 gal, and it hadnt been cleaned in months and was feed like 10 crixs a day. now he is in a home built 4x3 cage and gets 40-50 crix a day.


Jun 10, 2006
crashergs said this:
"dont put them in the same cage, they dont like to be communal together, and if you put a male/female the male will always want to have sex with her, which can stress out female.
i lost one during their juvenile stage, one dragon bit her leg off (same age) about 4 months old, and eventually died... not fun, so i kept one and plan on keeping one. its up to u though."

What crap, beardies can live in comunal colonies and people do keep them like that, even tho it isn't there natural behaviour there fine with it. And young beardies up to about a year old do tend to nip and bit, most of mine have a toe or part of tail missing or even a leg. Beardies can live in pairs no worries, if the female doesnt wanna mate with the male, she will not accept his offer (his offer being head bobing and bright colours in summer. And her acceptance being her waving her arm saying yes).


Old Timer
Jan 20, 2006
i wouldnt listen to spike.

Ive been a breeder of dragons for the past 7 years, and having learned this from personal experiences and reputable breeders in southern california, I would not recommend it, only if you are EXPERIENCED.

Im not saying NOT TO DO IT, its your money and its your time invested. as spike said, he has dragons that have nipped tails and such, thats inhumane, dragons are terrirtorial, anyway what does he care? those are native species to his country he probably feeds them as treats to his pet walabies! . A male dragon and a female dragon are not good to have together, during breeding season, and thats pretty much all the time for a male dragon(captive bred), will want to have intercourse with the female, and will stress her out. Ive had 2 of them die like that because i was ignorant and wanted babies.
He is right, people to house them together, some are successful, some arent which is quite unfortunate, it really depends on the temperament of both animals, but natively, they are territorial.

This is a qoute from spike "And young beardies up to about a year old do tend to nip and bit, most of mine have a toe or part of tail missing or even a leg."

i would seriously buy all yours so they dont have to endure the pain they suffer, and you care less about your animals. House them seperately, and if you cant afford that, then ask yourself why you have species that you cannot take care of? Im sorry but the information you recieved from your petshop is FALSE! you "arachnopeon nooblet" p.s what a contributor you are with 13 posts, id take your crap if youve proven your self that youve done more than 100 posts.

By the way, i recommend researching your pets like i did through Places like these are really not specialized in dragons, thats why you get chumps like spike that think they know the world like my 16 year old daughter believes she can cross a freeway without looking both directions during traffic.

Im going to recommend you a very good site that i goto all the time.

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Old Timer
May 14, 2006
Now Im going to have to go get some pictures of my babies so I can post them. Also spike please read up on the animal before you go posting what can be done and cant. I second crashergs.


Old Timer
Sep 2, 2005
i'm with spike, beardies are fine communally as long as they have the room they need, i am currently keeping 5 juvie eastern beardeds in a 4ft tank but when they grow up they are going to and avairy, we get 2 see beardies in their natural habitats here and in good area they are found in close proximity to eachother. I know of many dragons breeders over here that keep them cummunally, as far as i know most beardeds can go 2gether


Jun 10, 2006
Yeah feed them to my wallabies great one. They are herbivores. I dont feed my beardies to any other animals. I have 15 beardies, 7 of which are house together, 3 separate adult pairs and 2 hatchies in separate tanks. The beardies are ok now cause they are older than a year old BUT ALL BEARDIES NIP no matter weather it is for hunger, terrotorial issues or for fun. My mate who ive got some of my beardies from can even back this up. He feeds his babies on 2 hour intervals until he sells them during the day, and they still nip. And mate get your facts strait ive never bought 1 of my herps from a petshop, ITS ILLEGAL. Obviosuly there was something else wrong with your 2 beardies if they died. Ive had a pair tougether since they were hatchies, they have breed, and the female with-held the eggs because she was to young to breed. And how is beardies nipping in-human? not like i nipped them. And if you go into centre Aus you will find beardies close enough together, chances are you wont find males near each other.
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Jun 10, 2006
A quote made by crashergs:

p.s what a contributor you are with 13 posts, id take your crap if youve proven your self that youve done more than 100 posts.

Your saying that because i am a new member to this site that means i know less about reptiles and arachnids, meaning that people with higher post counts know more then me.


Old Timer
Feb 9, 2004
Spike14 said:
Ive had a pair tougether since they were hatchies, they have breed, and the female with-held the eggs because she was to young to breed. And how is beardies nipping in-human? not like i nipped them. And if you go into centre Aus you will find beardies close enough together, chances are you wont find males near each other.
What's inhumane is keeping them communally while knowing they will nip each other and breed females to death. You know you're putting them in a situation where they will be injured or killed but you don't seem to care. It doesn't matter what their natural behavior is. When you bring an animal in it's your responsibility to keep it healthy.

Just curious...In the wild, how close together do they live? How much time do they spend in close proximity to one another? How big of an enclosure do you keep your beardies in? Do they have any way to completely isolate themselves from the others in the group?

Spike14 said:
A quote made by crashergs:

p.s what a contributor you are with 13 posts, id take your crap if youve proven your self that youve done more than 100 posts.

Your saying that because i am a new member to this site that means i know less about reptiles and arachnids, meaning that people with higher post counts know more then me.
Nah, post count doesn't really mean much. It's the content of your posts that counts for something. I've been posting here for a while and have a pretty high post count. Most of them add up to total crap so see, you can't really put too much faith in post counts. {D On an animal site, if you're going to give advice about animals it should be good advice....not something like "It's natural behavior. Might as well not worry about it." when it comes to something like injurious behavior. :rolleyes:


Jun 10, 2006
no, the breeding pair were my very first beardies from when i was a young kid, one of my first herps, and they are fine. And what im saying is from my expiernce. My pairs are in 4x2x2 or 1200mm long x 400mm high x 600mm deep. And they have hide and branches to hide away from each other but every day they bask on the same log, sit on the same branch and hide in the same hide... funny huh for lizards that cannot live toughter communally{D

And close proximity is around few meters i belive, ive observed jacky dragons ( same needs as beardies) in very close proximity, 3 of them withing 10 meters from eachother

Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
Spike14 said:
And close proximity is around few meters i belive, ive observed jacky dragons ( same needs as beardies) in very close proximity, 3 of them withing 10 meters from eachother
But did they live their entire lives in "close proximity" (far closer than that, even), with no option to move further away, ever? :?


Jun 10, 2006
good point lol, look im not saying that keeping them in groups/trios/pairs is good, im saying it can be done with little to no problems


Old Timer
May 12, 2006
This is obviously just my opinion, but this situation:
Spike14 said:
most of mine have a toe or part of tail missing or even a leg
seems like a problem...


Old Timer
Jan 20, 2006

no spike im not saying due to your lack of posts judge who you are and what you do and what you believe in, but to come into this forum and disrespect my resposne to someone to better their experience with their dragons by giving a rude remark of "such crap" is intolerable.

Id prefer your say "i disagree with the fact, due to my previous experience" and it would have not been much of a problem but a political and professional controversy.

Ive met a lady, a german lady that lives around town, she was so damn dedicated to her dragons, she had THOUSANDS of dragons in her two story house, EVERY SINGLE ROOM was filled with cages and 300 gallon breeding tanks, HOT AS HELL AND THE SMELL UNBEARABLE, but non the less, she found enough room to house each individual seperately, why? because she adored them, she knew that eachother can (POTENTIALLY INJURE ONE ANOTHER) its inevitable! She had to order 80 thousand crickets, her husband which is a very generous and kind man from spain somewhere, had to work over time just to keep the dragons, they were spending about 1,000 dollars a month for food, 950.00 for electricity, and their lifetime of love for these creatures, why ? i dont know... but tell me thats not a breeder. Unfortunatley she sold all of them for about 5 thousand dollars, and I helped personally sell all kinds online since she wasnt technologically savvy. Ive learned most of my experience through here, because thats where i succumbed to most of my love for dragons. I can honestly say in my own opinion, no one knows more than she does with dragon care, she sacrificed her time with her family to keep them.

Im glad to hear your doing fine with your dragons communally, but you cannot twist nature and play god, one day and im not saying it will happen but the chances are great, that you will encounter a dead dragon.

Its completely fine to have newly hatched dragons communally, but after a given month maybe 1-3 months you must start seperating them, before they nip at eachother and its not FAIR to see a dragon with a missing limb, or a missing tail.
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