I have an approximately 8 r 9 month old beardie, who is about 11 1/4 inches. He was only around 54g when I took him to the vet a month ago, and I don't think he's gotten much bigger. He doesn't eat his veggies, at all. I've tried Kale and Collard greens, and turnip greens, and he's not interested at all. I was told to give him a little chicken baby food to fatten him up, and he loves it. Before I give him more then the little bit I gave him, I wanted to ask if it is a healthy thing for him to eat? Also, what age/size should I start to worry if he still isnt eating his veggies? I was considering giving him some of his greens with a bit of the baby food on it, see if it tricks him into trying it. Thanks for any advice you might have!