wow, thank you jesus for making me buy a solifugid, it was about 1 am, which is an hour ago, i went to go check on her and see what shes doing since i was awake. and i noticed she was moving erratically, finally i get to see what the solifugids do at night and watch them tunnel and do whatever they do, so i turned on the light and saw little lines moving, and i look closer, HOLY <poop> argentine ants, by the thousands, all over her, she was trying to dig but they would come off, i looked at my african giant millipedes, same thing! infested with argentine ants, I look at my bearded dragon, and a line was barely forming up to the draongs cage, immediatley i rushed the pede tank and the solifugids tank, put them in temp containers and threw out all the substrate outside, washed the tanks and put them back in, and im thinkin OH crap i forgot about my centipedes!!!! (this is where I realize i need to cut down on some bugs) so i ran into my bed room, and there was alottttttttt of argentine ants in my s. gigantea cage, i had to dump that out, and almost lost her, as she scurried beneath a wooden plank in the garage, then i put her in a tube and then into a ice box finally I can clean this tank infested with argentine ants, then I look over to my subspinipes cage, and a line was bareeeeeellyy forming up the power cord to the heat mat, i sprayed everything, I left the tanks in the garage and sprayed ant killer about 5 ft radius from the tanks i left outside, hopeeefullyyy they will be there by tomorrow. Had i not bought that solifugid, i wouldnt have been awake to save my s.gigantea, bearded dragon, texas millis, african giant millis, some madagascar roaches, solifugid, subspinipes, my whole collection would of been wiped out.
be careful of argentine ants... i was completely oblivious to this matter, i should thought about ants willing to attack almost anything if they dont get what they want from the fridge
be careful of argentine ants... i was completely oblivious to this matter, i should thought about ants willing to attack almost anything if they dont get what they want from the fridge
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