BC. people keeping exotics,Canada


Old Timer
Jun 24, 2008
I just had this thought for all you British Columbian alien species keepers out there what i am wondering is how will you be spending your Carbon Tax Refund Cheque that all of us here in BC. will be getting in the near future. Here is my challenge to you the alien species keepers and breeders --- take your $100.00 cheque that the kind BC. government sends you and use this free money to buy a membership in PIJAC Canada to help fight the changes in the law that will soon affect us all that is absolutely everyone that keeps alien species in BC. In this way not only do you get a membership with the only organization that is willing to stand up for us in the exotic animal community but the government will pay for it. Please consider doing this. Unless anyone out there has any other ideas to make sure we will be able to continue keeping the fascinating animals that makes life worthwhile.


Old Timer
Oct 31, 2005
Thats a good idea, they do good things for the herp/exotic pets community members. PIJAC (Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council) These are the people that have pull with politicans and are the last line when some jackarsh is trying to get exotics banned somewhere, Theres a big federal level movent going on here in the states right now. They run on donations, once again good idea!