Bazzgazm's Photos


Old Timer
May 31, 2008
Never really had a thread before but i have had some fun with my t's over the years....

First. Brachypelma vagans adult female 5" (roughly)

Second tarantula, Avicularia sp avicularia 3.5" adult male ( i diidn't know about hooks back then, but this little dude sure had them... and he was TINY)

Next i bought an Avicularia sp. metallica which never made it through it's molt with me.. this is the picture i took when i decided he wasn't going to remove his own leg. I think i would have handled the situation now a little differnetly than i did then. notice the rear leg on the top missing. being dragged underneath him. wc import petstore purchase not in the best of shape at purchase.


Old Timer
May 31, 2008
The newer more recent purchases

Next came 2 close to eachother. a Chilobrachys species which i've handled a few times only to learn that chilobrachys are much faster than you can imagine for such a big, bulky tarantula. she was housed in a 5.5g critter cage and gave me a wonderful pose one day.

and a nice post molt picture

Along came the Heteroscodra.. and yes, i took him out a few times too. Never once bit.. but surely was alot faster than anything else up to that point i had handled.... very nice disposition if not for being a little insane.

and then, i got a "golden stripe knee.." which.. yeah.. well it was B. albopilosum.. it's cool though because this is possibly the most chill tarantula i've ever seen.. doesn't kick hairs, i can scoop him up from under him.. even touch his fangs when he's on me.. yet he eats ALOT and about 1 year old for me now has gone form 1.25" to around 4" legspan... i haven't really sexed him but it doesn't take much to guess male....
sling pic.

and pic just before his last molt

The last purchase was 3 (which, 4 came) Avicularia sp bicegoi
i've always loved the old brick reds that i saw get huge compared to the other avics and these guysa re monster eaters.. going on 1 year old this month have gone from .5-.75 to up to 3" for the bigger ones. I've got one that i can hold my hand in front of abotu 5" and he'll jump from hand to hand... it's pretty neat showing people that... now as long as he doesn't shoot poop at me as well as he jumps i'll be ok.[/IMG
and now.