bathtub packing?


Old Timer
Dec 14, 2009
i have heard that alot of people pack Ts for shipping in their bathtub. i heard people discussing it and i guess they were saying the reasoning behind it is that the T cant grip porcelain.

is this true?

how do i avoid losing a small t thats FAST when im going to pack it for shipping?

ive been around Ts for a long time but this whole shipping thing is kind of new to me.


Old Timer
Aug 1, 2009
i have heard that alot of people pack Ts for shipping in their bathtub. i heard people discussing it and i guess they were saying the reasoning behind it is that the T cant grip porcelain.

is this true?

how do i avoid losing a small t thats FAST when im going to pack it for shipping?

ive been around Ts for a long time but this whole shipping thing is kind of new to me.
Its not that they cant grip porcelain.. (I dont think..) It just so if or when the T desides to bolt it dont have far to go.. My P. murinus bolted in the tub.. It stopped for a little bit.. Enough for me to get the catch cup around him.. I got him packed away after he stopped..

Mr. Gone

Old Timer
Nov 22, 2008
Its not that they cant grip porcelain.. (I dont think..) It just so if or when the T desides to bolt it dont have far to go.. My P. murinus bolted in the tub.. It stopped for a little bit.. Enough for me to get the catch cup around him.. I got him packed away after he stopped..
So you are saying that you affirmed that they CAN climb the porcelain? I've always heard to do it in the tub because they can't climb the walls. Honestly I've always thought that sounded like B.S. so we don't use the bathtub for that.

I've never lived in a house where the bathroom would be anything but perhaps the worst room in the house to try to contain a T. (cabinets, drains, vents, gaps around where pipes come through the floor, gaps in silicone sealing, etc.)


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
they CAN climb the porcelain?
They can and they will. It's an over rated method really. All you need to pack up a spider is an open area in a room, a catch cup in case it starts to get away from you, and a container you are putting it in to ship.


Old Timer
Oct 14, 2007
Yeah they definitely can climb the porcelain. We like doing rehousings and packings in the bathroom just because there are less places for the T to end up if it somehow gets away. A good thing to do, if you're going to do it in the bathtub, is put down a clean facetowel or something, if the T is running around like crazy and hits the towel, it will stop (in my experience). When we rehoused our T. gigas, it was running around the bathtub faster than I've seen any T run before, and it was the towel that stopped him. We're packing up our MM OBT tomorrow night to send away, and we'll be doing it in the bathroom.



Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
Ya, its not true...

I was rehousing my P. regalis sling a little while back and it bolted, tan three laps around the rim of the tub, and shot up the wall. Luckily it stopped half-way up and didn't go all the way to the ceiling! The only person in the family that isn't short is my dad and he's arachnophobic!

Mr. Gone

Old Timer
Nov 22, 2008
They can and they will. It's an over rated method really. All you need to pack up a spider is an open area in a room, a catch cup in case it starts to get away from you, and a container you are putting it in to ship.
That's what I've always thought. I would much prefer a large, open space to a small cramped one. In a small cramped space, they could be out of sight in a couple feet or much less. In a large, open space; they're going to have several feet before they can hide which gives you longer to visually track them. Also, most T's can't/don't run very far before they need a little 'breather'; so if it's a large, open space, they may even stop while they're still out in the open.


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
So what would be the reccomended method for someone who doesn't have a large open space to work in? I hate rehousing in the tub because my bathrooms small and cramped and doesn't really give me adequite room to work, but there arn't really any other rooms that I can work in that don't have a ton of hiding places, or are open to the two cats and the dog...


Old Timer
Aug 1, 2009
They can and they will. It's an over rated method really. All you need to pack up a spider is an open area in a room, a catch cup in case it starts to get away from you, and a container you are putting it in to ship.
Yea I will agree it ie very over rated.. But to some of those who dont have a house that has alot of open room the bathtub works wonders.. LoL!

Due to the fact my mother is a huge pack rat and loves her house to be cluttered.. (Unknown Reasons..) I use the tub.. Well used.. I would rather do the open room as well..


Old Timer
Oct 20, 2009
So what would be the reccomended method for someone who doesn't have a large open space to work in? I hate rehousing in the tub because my bathrooms small and cramped and doesn't really give me adequite room to work, but there arn't really any other rooms that I can work in that don't have a ton of hiding places, or are open to the two cats and the dog...
Well you could always put the two cats and the dog in the bathroom, but I can't help you with the big space. Garage maybe?:)


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
Well you could always put the two cats and the dog in the bathroom, but I can't help you with the big space. Garage maybe?:)
LOL that would be a sight, we have such a small bathroom, and the we have a big dog. :D

Nah, can't do the garage, it's really really cluttered. just like the rest of the house...guess I'll just have to keep working in the tub.


Old Timer
Oct 20, 2009
LOL that would be a sight, we have such a small bathroom, and the we have a big dog. :D

Nah, can't do the garage, it's really really cluttered. just like the rest of the house...guess I'll just have to keep working in the tub.
LOL, yep, we do what we have to do.:)


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
When I say open space I mean arms length around me. So nothing overly large. If the T starts to jet away from me I just put a deli cup over it slide the lid under it and try again to pack the spider.


Old Timer
Feb 8, 2009
When I say open space I mean arms length around me. So nothing overly large. If the T starts to jet away from me I just put a deli cup over it slide the lid under it and try again to pack the spider.
I concur. I do all my packing in a very small area. People stress way too much over the simplest things. I can think of 1 instance that something got away from me, and that was a 3" H. mac. By away, I mean 2ft max. Everything I ship goes from the transfer cup (deli cup), or from the vial to the straw, to it's final shipping container without a hitch.

The only thing that goes in my shower (other than myself) are pokies when attempting to breed. The MM had an 8ft x 8ft glass enclosed shower to court the female around in.