I recently received a male ball python that I am guessing is around two years old. I did a ton of research before I got him, and even more since...but now I am running into a problem I don't really know how to fix, and haven't really seen come up.
He entered his shed cycle normally...getting slightly dusty colored and a little pink-bellied, then his eyes turned blue, his skin got visibly tighter, and his eyes cleared.
I've been keeping his tank as humid as possible(I haven't even had him a month and have yet to get a hygrometer...it'll be the next thing I get though, obviously) I've got a large reptile bowl that he can soak in, and I've kept it almost full of water since I first noticed the shedding.
I went to give him his fresh water this morning, and noticed he was moving about next to his nice big rock. I got excited, figuring he was actually starting to shed. I sat down to watch for about half an hour...and...I noticed that he's not really...shedding properly.
I mean, maybe it's properly?
This is the important part, if you don't want to read all of my rambling
What he's doing is rubbing his head against his own coils, his substrate, and the glass of his tank. On accident, a few times, he actually rubbed against the rock and got some skin to peel, but then he goes right back to rubbing against the other things, and those little bits seem to get broken off.
I had to go to work, and when I came home...all he's manager to do is get rid of about half the skin on his head, but nothing else.
I realize this may just be typical ball behavior... they are shy snakes and I guess might feel more comfortable rubbing against themselves...?
Anyway, has anyone had a similar experience, and does anyone have suggestions for managing this? I'm really worried about my little baby, and don't know what I can do to help. I know enough not to ever try and peel it off myself...and I don't have a problem giving him a little bath if people think it would help...I just...don't know what would be the best idea and least stressful for my poor boy.
Some pictures of just him(because I think he's absolutely gorgeous)...I can try and get some detailed pics of what's going on now, if it would help.
This one is the day I got him, before he got all of his nice tank supplies like a real hide box and a real water dish.
He entered his shed cycle normally...getting slightly dusty colored and a little pink-bellied, then his eyes turned blue, his skin got visibly tighter, and his eyes cleared.
I've been keeping his tank as humid as possible(I haven't even had him a month and have yet to get a hygrometer...it'll be the next thing I get though, obviously) I've got a large reptile bowl that he can soak in, and I've kept it almost full of water since I first noticed the shedding.
I went to give him his fresh water this morning, and noticed he was moving about next to his nice big rock. I got excited, figuring he was actually starting to shed. I sat down to watch for about half an hour...and...I noticed that he's not really...shedding properly.
I mean, maybe it's properly?
This is the important part, if you don't want to read all of my rambling
What he's doing is rubbing his head against his own coils, his substrate, and the glass of his tank. On accident, a few times, he actually rubbed against the rock and got some skin to peel, but then he goes right back to rubbing against the other things, and those little bits seem to get broken off.
I had to go to work, and when I came home...all he's manager to do is get rid of about half the skin on his head, but nothing else.
I realize this may just be typical ball behavior... they are shy snakes and I guess might feel more comfortable rubbing against themselves...?
Anyway, has anyone had a similar experience, and does anyone have suggestions for managing this? I'm really worried about my little baby, and don't know what I can do to help. I know enough not to ever try and peel it off myself...and I don't have a problem giving him a little bath if people think it would help...I just...don't know what would be the best idea and least stressful for my poor boy.
Some pictures of just him(because I think he's absolutely gorgeous)...I can try and get some detailed pics of what's going on now, if it would help.