Ball Python or Corn Snake: Choosing the Best Snake Pet


Old Timer
Aug 31, 2009
Hi, Frank Indiviglio here. I’m a herpetologist, zoologist, and book author, recently retired from a career spent at several zoos, aquariums, and museums, including over 20 years with the Bronx Zoo. Corn Snakes and Ball Pythons are close competitors for the title of the world’s most popular snake pet. Among the first species to be commercially bred in huge numbers, either makes an excellent choice for most snake owners, new or experienced. I’ve kept hundreds of species during my long career as a zookeeper, but a Corn Snake terrarium occupies center stage in my living room! In the following article I’ll compare the care needs of Corn Snakes and Ball Pythons, so that you’ll be able to plan ahead and maximize your pet-keeping experience and your new snake’s quality of life. Detailed care information is provided in the articles linked under “Further Reading”; as always, please also post any questions or observations you may have, and let me know which species gets your vote. Read the rest of this article here
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My Bio, with photos of animals I’ve been lucky enough to work with:

Best Regards, Frank


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2008
Both species are popular, easy to come by and offer a myriad of colour morphs and genetic possibilities that make breeding interesting. Between the two, there are many things to consider. Corn snakes can be raised their entire lives on mice; which, is impractical with ball pythons. For some, this makes a difference as rats are often kept as pets and viewed more in a domestic light as opposed to mice. Corn snakes also move quickly and seemingly move incessantly when handled. Some people love this as it seems you interact more with the animal. For others, they prefer the calmness of the slow(er) moving ball python. Corn snakes are cheaper as far as initial cost, set-up and care and feeding as they are an overall smaller species.

All sorts of things to consider, but both are great species to keep. :)


Mar 29, 2012
I've never had a corn snake so I can't comment on them. I do have a 10 year old male ball python. The big thing for potential ball owners to know about is that they are temperamental eaters. Mine frequently goes for months refusing all food, then suddenly he's climbing up the cage looking for it. But even then - he frequently behaves as if he's hungry, only to refuse the food. I've thrown out many more mice and rats than he's eaten throughout his lifetime. I feed pre-killed thawed rats. Live are a bad idea, balls won't protect themselves if the rat attacks them. I've heard some balls will only eat certain colours of rodent, that's how picky they can be. They're great first snakes, slow and gentle, as long as the owner is aware of the feeding issues and doesn't get upset because their snake hasn't eaten in months.


Jul 22, 2013
I've had a corn for almost a year now and she only refuses food when she's about to shed. Or it's too big. :p


May 28, 2012
I've never had a corn snake so I can't comment on them. I do have a 10 year old male ball python. The big thing for potential ball owners to know about is that they are temperamental eaters. Mine frequently goes for months refusing all food, then suddenly he's climbing up the cage looking for it. But even then - he frequently behaves as if he's hungry, only to refuse the food. I've thrown out many more mice and rats than he's eaten throughout his lifetime. I feed pre-killed thawed rats. Live are a bad idea, balls won't protect themselves if the rat attacks them. I've heard some balls will only eat certain colours of rodent, that's how picky they can be. They're great first snakes, slow and gentle, as long as the owner is aware of the feeding issues and doesn't get upset because their snake hasn't eaten in months.
Yep. My fiancee's bp will only eat live African soft furs, and he will go months without eating holding out for them.


Mar 29, 2012
Yep. My fiancee's bp will only eat live African soft furs, and he will go months without eating holding out for them.
I've thought of trying live again too, but then what would I do with them when he refuses to eat them? I've flushed two rat corpses this week... (sigh)