i figured plenty of people on this forum would know, since i see threads everyday regarding ball pythons :?
oh well, i'll check the other link thanks
I'm not saying this isn't true, but its very rare. If a snake has a problem while eating, 99% of the time it'll regurge. Its also surprising what snakes can handle; I've personally seen both my carpet and ball pythons swallow a large prey item from the middle on down, sandwiching the head to the back legs. This was when they both were young and still had to figure out the best way of eating, both are doing fine now and swallowing everything headfirst. ~ RexAll I can say is its not good for them to swallow their prey like that, can potentially harm them, or in some cases be fatal.
That's the first I've heard of it.All I can say is its not good for them to swallow their prey like that, can potentially harm them, or in some cases be fatal.