Naa, I changed the bedding the night before, in all my blondi cages. You are looking at brand new damp coco bedding. I just broke the block up. They always have water/misted and there is always droplets on the side of the cage. Its hit or miss when they get this big I think, in captivity at least. I have, err had 8, and they all molted fine so far. I think it might have something to do with the outer shell being so hard and tough when they get over 9 inches. The abdomen skin alone was very tough. I think they just tire out/suffocate and give up. I guess thats why the 10/11 inch spiders are so rare. That last molt before colossal is the killer.taorchard1987 said:looks like it would have been a beast!
It looks like the substrate is bone dry round the edges, could this have been why it never shook the moult of?
5 months, yes it was this size. It would have been its first molt with me. When I went to bed it was fine, woke up to see this. The abdomen skin was very tough. I think once it popped the top, it could not completely rip out of the ass end and the lungs got screwed up. Like it passed out and died. Thats how it looked to me at least. It was also in that exact position, it didn't start off on its back like most moltings do.becca81 said:How long did you have this one? Was it WC at this size?
How long had it been trying to molt at the time of the picture?
I don't get emotionally attached to my bugsScolopendra55 said:Thats too bad. Dont let it get you too down though buy another one I think this was just a freak accident.
I try not to either (which is why I dont name them) because when they die I mount them and it would be kind of hard to mount a bug that you were emotionally attached to (wouldn't it be kind of hard to taxiderm your own dog?).Rob883226 said:I don't get emotionally attached to my bugsNo worries.
My thoughts exactly. I've seen plenty of 9" blondi molt out just fine... but they all have proper hides/burrows and plenty of humidity/hydration.metallica said:what wonders me the mose is why is it out in the open, and not in a hide for molting?
I think it would be more pointless for me to freezedry my dog. Its dead. Its better off where it is now, in my back yard feeding the treesScolopendra55 said:I try not to either (which is why I dont name them) because when they die I mount them and it would be kind of hard to mount a bug that you were emotionally attached to (wouldn't it be kind of hard to taxiderm your own dog?).