Wah! i wish i lived where you did! i want to get one of them but i have to buy it becouse there are none here.:drool: its soo pretty! i wanna steal it form you
I think it's because I have a lot of time on my hands so I have time to look around. Long story but I was able to quit my soul destroying, spirit crushing death hole job about 4 years ago and have been gambling in the stock market since then. So I walk around like a zombie in the backyard a lot and look at what's going on in the bug and plant market back there. The neighborhood I'm in used to be pretty countryish but it's turning into serious city limits kind of fast. The lots are around 2 acres and most people just mow the grass that nature put in their yard and kept it pretty wooded. I keep most of the yard pretty natural. Today I let both snakes go where I found them.
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