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The Spider Faery

Old Timer
Apr 19, 2009
So I know exactly what sizes to provide for small slings and T's since that's all I've had up until this point, but now I have a 2 inch Eupalaestraus campestratus that I wasn't sure what size of enclosure to provide for. That may sound small to some (and it is) but not compared to the dwarfs I've only had experience with. :razz:

So I started with a candy container which I guess is sufficient, but I thought that something bigger might be more beneficial to being able to fully stretch out and move around. I guess I went a bit too big, lol, oops. I noticed the T seemed to stay on the corners or just in its hide anyways in there and I worried that it may not find the water.

So I just moved it back to the original container. The bigger container's not a loss. It could be used to provide extra containment when transferring smaller T's, or of course, a new home for a future bigger T. :)

Just thought I'd share my container size woes. Anyone else ever second guess what size enclosure to provide?
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Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
Oh man, ALL the time LOL

The worst, is when I was getting some 1.5-2" P. chordatus... They ended up in the biggest enclosures I have (except my 5" G. rosea), because for some reason I thought they were A LOT bigger lol

Now, I just wait until the slings get here to start setting up enclosures... and depending on the species, I'll either allow for a little extra room or not.

The Spider Faery

Old Timer
Apr 19, 2009
The worst, is when I was getting some 1.5-2" P. chordatus
That's the size of the one I'm talking about. ;) It just seems like an awkward size to fit in the usual container sizes and tanks are just too big. I settled on a 4" x 3" (WxH) container for now, but after a molt it'll get something a little bigger. What size does anyone recommend?

Well now I'm stuck with this plastic 6" x 6" x 10" (WHL) tank that's just holding substrate.. :rolleyes: But like I said, I'm sure it'll be used somehow sometime. :eek:


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
I ALWAYS get it wrong. {D I got a 1" A. sp. "flagstaff orange" and a 2" B. vagans awhile back and the enclosure I picked for the Apho was WAY to big, and the one i picked for the vagans was way to small (but to my credit, it was acctually a whole inch larger than advertised, not that I'm complaining. :D )

I also got enclosure size wrong for a 3" P. cambridgei, and a 1.5" P. chordatus. I'm sure with a lot of experiance it gets easier to know exactly what size of container to need.

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
You got that right!!! And it's not always you either....sometimes you prepare for a T that arrives either much bigger or smaller than expected.