Use a heat lamp or heating pad in one corner of the tank. Heating pads shouldn't cover more than 1/3 of the tank I don't reccomend heating pads personally but that said excessive light can stress a snake.
They don't need a set humidity so somewhere between 40-60% and higher only when shedding is fine.
Substrate: Coconut Coir, Aspen chips (not cedar), news print (with out ink on it), paper towel, astro turf are all fine
Hides: minimum of 2, one on the hot side and one on the cold side.
Food: prekilled/frozen mice which you thaw completely then offer to the snake using forcepts to hold the food item.
Additional: make sure there's a water dish, king snakes don't need a UVB/UVA light, just a basking light (for heat) and a nighttime light so that you can provide heat while regulating the day night cycle for the snake.
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