baby imperial scopion help needed

mrs scabtree

Feb 25, 2004
hi all,
ok ill try and give you the short story,
i got a female imperial scorpion about 8 months ago and she was eating well and continued to put on weight, then all of a sudden she stopped eating but carried on getting bigger.
yes you got it right she was pregnant, and ive never had a pregnant scorpian before, im getting away from my point her........
she had 21 loverly little iccle tiny perfect baby scorps and was doing fine, till she killed and ate 4 of them (silly girl :? )
so we seperated them from her put them in a smaller tank and mimiced her environment exactly, 10 of them shed successfully but i lost a further 7 during there shed, i helped 4 of them out but they were too week and died the next day :(
i now have 10 scorpians, after first molt but dont know when to feed them, ive read that mummy would usually kill a cricket and open it up for them all to feed on but everytime i do that they just run up my hand or hide in the corner ???
also when should they be seperated from each other as im worried about canabalisum, (i had 2 small pandinus spp together and one ate there cage mate after 8 months and they were well fed and happy)
any advice is good advice and i thank you for it in advance.

G. Carnell

Old Timer
Oct 27, 2003
A) its scorpion not scorpian {D
b) feed them well enough and they wont cannibalise
c) u can feed them baby crickets (ONCE THEY HARDEN AFTER THE MOULT)
so only feed them when they go more brown in colour
sorry to hear about your losses, but good luck for the future :p


Old Timer
Jun 6, 2004
mrs scabtree said:
i now have 10 scorpians, after first molt but dont know when to feed them, ive read that mummy would usually kill a cricket and open it up for them all to feed on but everytime i do that they just run up my hand or hide in the corner ???
Just kill some crickets a leave them in the enclosure (mothers often do that aswell). Just remenber pick them out after a day, as they tend to mould over quite fast.