[B]T.apophysis sling belated Christmas molt[/B]


Old Timer
Nov 7, 2004
T.apophysis sling belated Christmas molt

I woke up this morning to find my T.apophysis on her back, in the process of molting. I've seen this take place numerous times and it still has the power to enthrall me. And of course...as timing would have it, I returned my friend's cam just the other day...so my apologies for not having pics of the process. :(

I will post a before shot, and hopefully add an after sooner rather than later.

I was expecting my big P.regalis female to molt around this time (still waiting), but not this little lady. She was three inches, all leg, before this molt...can I can her a juvenile now? She's not yet a year old.

Thanks for taking a peek at my post.
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Old Timer
Dec 29, 2003
How large is it?
I have found with my appophysis that they seem to take an especially long time to recover from molting... and a long time as well in increase in abdomen size, and seem to be prone (more so than others) to dehydration for some time after. Just a heads up.


Old Timer
Nov 7, 2004
It's almost two hours later, she's completely cleared of the old skin, but still on her back. This is her third molt, and she appears to be noticeably larger than before...I just measured her molt and it's 4" from leg I to IV. Her abdomen while overturned is still rather large. I try and keep a good eye on them when they're molting and keep them hydrated, but thanks for the heads up.

YES!! Just as I wrote this she turned over. Gotta go for now.


Old Timer
Nov 7, 2004
A quick update. She's doing fine (and I'm pretty sure she's a she now), and I must say...I am completely stunned at the size difference after her molt.

I was expecting a growth spurt...but this is amazing! As soon as she's hardened up I'm going to try and get a measurement. I really can't believe it. It appears to be over two inches of growth. That's just an estimate of course...but I still keep thinking, how did she fit all that body into that little shell? She's my youngest, and yet she's bigger than both of my E.campestratus, A.versicolor and A.moderatum...together. :eek: All close to the same age...

The "after" pics soon I hope!