B.R.B additions 1.1


Mar 5, 2013
Here are some things I'm using for my Brazilian rainbow boas (1.1.) enclosures that'll be here Friday.

If anyone is wondering the Grey things are cat pans the small size...I'm going to use paper for the time being then I might go buy some. repti bark I think its called made by zoo med.

I just have to get some hides and they'll be good, I was thinking about co habiting them since they're opposite sex but I opted not to, does anyone on the boards do that outside of mating season? Just wondering.



Mar 5, 2013
The first two photos are the female & male I'm getting from http://www.ectotherms.net ( Will Bird great guy to do business with)


( MALE )

This is a third female I'm getting from HARDIN HERPETOLOGICA they are also great business folks!!

I have a question, the last female ( the darker if the two) will she stay that dark or brightening up?

How do i go about getting different morphs started (via hets) from this point by using these two females and this one male? or do I need a, certain color gender I don't have?


Mar 5, 2013
here are two photos one is the moss humid hide with two exits/entrances, I only made two holes total in each one to limits how fast the humidity dwindled.

The containers have snapping lids (meaning the main part of the container snaps over the lid on both sides) I got these from Target for $2.49 each

The other photo is the type of moss I used that I got from home Depot:

---------- Post added 08-14-2015 at 09:15 AM ----------

Ohh yeaaaaaaa



Mar 5, 2013
Ok so I've had my boas for at least a week and half and they are doing well I forgot to label their genders do to my excitement, but that's ok because eventually come breeding time the size difference should tell me all I'll need to know because the female will be much longer and wider (?) than the male. Are there any more factors I'll be able recognize to differentiate the genders?

Will female keep eating but the male will stop?

Will the male be more snappy toward me while in the mood?

also I have a third female coming this week after I put down the final payment so hopefully come breeding time I'll either have 2.2.0 or maybe just 1.2.0 ( if I typed that right it should say two males and two females or one male and two females)

Any extra thoughts/advice ? I'd love to read them!!

Photos coming later tonight!

pyro fiend

Dec 29, 2013
iv had both brb and crb and not all females are dark just an individual trait.. iv seen brb males dark and females brighter then brand new highlighters [ok well not quite] same goes for aggression
looks like they are fairly small maybe its just the pics but from looks id wait a few years before doing anything. some males still eat all snakes i have/had get paired with a female 3-4 days and back into their own container for a day or two as well as offered food.. some will eat every chance some will not eat at all till the seasons over again all individuals..

2.2.0 was correct the decimals are M.F.Unkown

as for checking male or fm its not 100% without probes [get some their like 12bucks and simple to use] on a boa a male usualy have larger "claws" or hooks near the vent, and a fm usual has smaller, again not a guarantee


Mar 5, 2013
iv had both brb and crb and not all females are dark just an individual trait.. iv seen brb males dark and females brighter then brand new highlighters [ok well not quite] same goes for aggression
looks like they are fairly small maybe its just the pics but from looks id wait a few years before doing anything. some males still eat all snakes i have/had get paired with a female 3-4 days and back into their own container for a day or two as well as offered food.. some will eat every chance some will not eat at all till the seasons over again all individuals..

2.2.0 was correct the decimals are M.F.Unkown

as for checking male or fm its not 100% without probes [get some their like 12bucks and simple to use] on a boa a male usualy have larger "claws" or hooks near the vent, and a fm usual has smaller, again not a guarantee

Oh yeah PF these are definitely still babies I'm talking about in the VERY far future I should have made that clear my apologies .

Last night i went to Petco and bought 4 mice and 30 crickets, one of the two snakes ate, the other wasnt interested at all so I left him/her alone. Below are the photos I took of my BRB eating, the one with the tongs holding the mouse was me moving both the snake and the mouse outside of the moss hide so he/she didn't accidently ingest any of it while eating.


pyro fiend

Dec 29, 2013
Personaly id let them eat in cage iv been doing it for years never had a snake impacted with perfect vision (was a blind sand boa tho who ate a bit of sand after dunking mouse in water) even my geckos eat in their moist hide shouldnt be an issue
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Mar 5, 2013
Oh ok cool I was just being extra cautious so if you said it's ok then I'll let em.

pyro fiend

Dec 29, 2013
Ya they dont go into sterilites in the wild ;) so long as your moss is nice and compact or super damp i personally say its fine. I do it and everyone elese i know does it.. No "cage agression", no impactions and no problems ever,and we do it with boas, boids, naja,crotalinea viperinea and cerastes(spelling may be off a bit on all of thise im a bit tired).. In a way its like saying to coax your Ts into a new cage so they dont eat their dirt ;) sounds silly dont it?


Mar 5, 2013
I finally found a store that sells live baby rats/mice, reptiles etc that's my new favorite place!!

So I fed my boas today and here are the results. the boa that's not in shed ate one of the fuzzy rats and there's still one left in there to go. It's on the outside of the humid hide and I'm not sure if he's noticed it yet it. The second photo is my female she is in blue phase of the shedding process so I offered food anyway because Brazilians are known to eat during the shedding process. She ate one but killed one and left it so I disposed of it because i doubt the male will eat three. A about two weeks ago the male shed so everyone is right on schedule with the other.....I feed every four days or try to when I can actually get to the pet store.


pyro fiend

Dec 29, 2013
. She ate one but killed one and left it so I disposed of it because i doubt the male will eat three.
Youd be surprized, i have a ball who will slam 3 xxl RATS if i let her..and a buddy had a sand boa who will eat 3 adult mice..thats alot for a sand boa..and he has a sumatran who pummels large rabbits 2 at a time.. (Again pretty big meals shea gona be a titanoboa if we up her food intake lol) Imo id of tried it xD never hurts to dangle it infront of a possibly hungry snake ^.^


Mar 5, 2013
Youd be surprized, i have a ball who will slam 3 xxl RATS if i let her..and a buddy had a sand boa who will eat 3 adult mice..thats alot for a sand boa..and he has a sumatran who pummels large rabbits 2 at a time.. (Again pretty big meals shea gona be a titanoboa if we up her food intake lol) Imo id of tried it xD never hurts to dangle it infront of a possibly hungry snake ^.^
After the second fuzzy rat was just in there chilling for an hour or two I dangled him in front of the male. All he did was rise up, strike three times (immediately letting go after each strike) and backing away. So that's two that went to waste I think I'll stick to one fuzzy rat per Snake or maybe three because the female usually eats two when not in/going through ecdysis