B. Lateralis roaches eating eachother or their molts?


Apr 26, 2022
I think my roaches are eating eachother. I got pinhead roaches, but of different sizes, and I think they’ve ate a good amount of the smaller ones. At least three, Possibly five or six.
I noticed this after I started not humidifying them daily because I was trying to do research and read they like it NOT humid. After doing some digging for answers via experience with humidity I found the change was harmful and they actually like humidity.
Now I check them daily, spraying water to increase humidity daily, because an older thread mentioned that being a factor as well as having protein available for stress and cannibalism.
They had roach chow available in a bottle cap I’ve seen them able to go in and out of. But I added dog kibble and carrots after reading it was needed to reduce stress. They’ve always had water crystals available.
However they ate one again I think even after this change. I’ve never seen them actively eating one, but I found another pile of legs and a top of a head.
Do they molt and eat their molts by chance? I haven’t seen their molts in the month I’ve had them and they’ve gotten a lot bigger since. Or are they still eating eachother? Maybe it’ll take a couple days since I made the food and humidity change for them to calm down? Evidence that they aren’t only eating molts is I’ve had a roach only have three legs and it’s managed to survive another week, so I’m thinking it was bullied but spared for some reason.
Does anyone else have experience with this? I only have around 20-30 and they’re still small, in a plastic bin with ventilation holes, and egg crate pieces for them to hide in. They have a lot of room I think. I keep them next to a heating mat for the heat gradient and they hangout by the mat so I don’t think it’s to hot.
I took a picture with a lighter for scale of their enclosure as well as a picture of some of them bunched up with my little thumb for scale.



Laxow Legacy LLC
May 30, 2017
Cannibalism is quite inevitable with red runners. The best you can do is to always have food available to reduce the chances of them cannibalizing each other. Although it doesn't happen as frequent, it still can and does happen.


Apr 26, 2022
Cannibalism is quite inevitable with red runners. The best you can do is to always have food available to reduce the chances of them cannibalizing each other. Although it doesn't happen as frequent, it still can and does happen.
thank you for the reassurance! They don't seem to be doing it anymore like I noticed prior.


Sep 7, 2021
I have more of these B. Laterallis than I know what to do with. They are prolific breeders!

All I do is:
Maintain an 80F/26.5C environment in a plastic bin with top ventilation using egg crates for hides (no substrate)
I keep a sizeable mound of grain free crushed dog kibble on a flat lid
Drop in a tangerine sliced into quarters, replacing it when they eat it down to the rind (usually about 5 days)

That's it.

If there's cannibalism taking place its happening so infrequently I don't notice it or they are reproducing so fast I can't tell. I'm pretty much overrun with these things...