I finally slapped a heating pad on my B. fumigata colony (taking it from 20C to 27C); I was keeping them far too cool. But I was wondering when to expect the first signs of success. What size are the young, and when would they begin to appear?
Mine live at around 82'F (you'll have to convert to 'C) and have reproduced like mad. Assuming yours have not already bred despite the cooler temps, about 6 weeks or so I would think. I seem to recall that under ideal conditions they could birth maybe every 45-50 days, and under 'less than ideal conditions' once or never even if they did mate successfully. If they did mate while "far too cool" then it would be a total guess on anyones part...
Well, then- stupid question #2: what do I look for? I've seen egg cases of the common roaches of Arizona and Texas, but how big are the young of this species when newly-hatched?
Also- any advice on humidity and moisture would be welcome. A local guy at the pet store says he keeps related species without substrate and without water. I use peat-based substrate with no added moisture other than in food, but now I'm wondering if that'll dry out the egg cases or not. Ambient humidity is around 10%, and it can't be that much higher inside the bin.
There is often more than one way to skin a cat depending on what works best in your household and no such thing as a stupid question unless you already know the answer and everyone knows you know it....
When you first notice young they may be 1/4 inch or slightly less, and not as shiney or colored as the adults- more of a "plain brown". No egg cases- they retain those and birth live young.
It sounds too dry- I would pour a little water on the substrate and mix it around until it is very slightly moist- but not much. If you feed alot of fruits/ wet veggies then that is why no water would be added - they can drink by sucking the water out of the substrate.
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