and a 32oz plastic bottle with ½" holes in the side of lid full of water gel turned upside down and provides moisture and keeps humidy at about 30%. The water gel lasts for about 2 weeks at the moment.
Hi Jay,Hey Moose9,
Would you mind elaborating on your water gel dispenser. A picture would be greatly appreciated.
I need to get a longer lasting water deal going and this sounds like it works good for you.
Thanks for any help.
Hi Jay,
Just take a plastic jar (peanut butter jar will work), drill a few holes (3/8") around the side of the lid. Fill your jar with water gel, screw the lid on, turn upside down and set it in your bin. You may also want to set it on a larger shallow plastic lid from say a butter tub or similar. This will keep any extra water from leaking into your colony. The one I had setup broke, so I have to make another. For my small colony of maybe 600, it was lasting up to 2 weeks before I had to add more. When I get another one setup I will display a pic of it. I'm currently trying another method till I find a few more plastic jars.
Matt,Also note that most people who post on AB make it sound alot more difficult than it actually is. Example: the use of any gel product or gel dispensing device is a gimmick. Just pour water on them like watering a plant- easy and most inexpensive.