I had B.dubia for few years and 5-6 months back I started having some problems with them. There were some sudden deaths, not normal(corpses were not solid and dry,but were like composing and smelling bad, like rotten stuff). That happened mostly to adults,but some nymphs was struck also. In that time I go almost no babies from my colony, which counts surely 500-1000 adults... that was really strange, cose I kept them about 30 degrees and not moist nor humid, only fruits and veggies every day, as much as they eat. I have experience cose I keep other roaches and insetcs, so I thought something invaded them. I also saw some females with some strange white, soft stuff out instead of ootheca. I did throw them away even they were alive...I will send you the picture tommorow. I heard from a friend he has something similar and he doubt on some flies, like fruit flies, but maybe something like Phorid flies...like they lay something in those dubias...apart from no babies, they are ok and some are dying as I did tell before.
Thanks for any input in advance!
Thanks for any input in advance!