Im growing edible herbs in the space between his and my rose hairs enclosures as you can see lol. I have one aquarium light stretched across both so that it doesnt get to hot and there isnt to much light. The space in between works well for plants though lol.
The exuvium is still down in the tunnel. I was hoping he would remove it on his own. Maybe he still will in time when he hardens up? I dont really want to be prodding around down in his little home after he just molted.
Anyways heres a few more pics. Not the best, but the best I could do!
Here he is checkin out the situation to see why something was in his home pulling out his exuvium.
He appears to be more of a black color now then prior to molt.
Even Better set-up :clap: The "black" PVC, Brilliant......better than white I have used.....I have thought about rigging a led light{moon-glow} in such a tunnel.......You just, bettered my plan......Cause a little more natural lookin'!
Fantastic! Just found Salamanders {3-types} in Wood pile. Ensentina - I beleive is the Sp. One neighbor caught Giant Pacific salamander, Over 10"
I want some salamanders ahaha.
I was going to initially put small red lights inside the tunnel so I could see in but I decided it wasnt worth the trouble.
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