Aviculture, anyone?


Nov 7, 2011
I'm just wondering if anyone here keeps small parrots of some sort, such as Lineolated Parakeets or Budgies. I'm considering breeding one of these two along side some Ts and scorps. (when I finally begin my "collection")
Anybody have experiences with these? Does anyone even keep these or am I a loner?

While you're at it, if you have birds of other sorts, feel free to discuss them as well.
I'm also thinking that, instead of these parrots, I should just get some fancy pigeons.


Sep 26, 2011
Well, personally I think the pigeons would be a fun endeavor, they come in a million-some shapes and sizes, we have a few fancy chickens, but some of the fancy pigeons win bar-none. But the budgies and the parakeets are probably more readily accessible. Depends on the extend on which you want to go really.

You could get chickens, you'll never have to buy eggs at a grocery store again and there are all kinds to choose from and the eggs come in more colors then just white and brown. If you looking for indoor particularly then go Serma, they are bred specifically for indoor keeping and are rather adorable although the roosters still crow I think. I dont know if you live rural or not so there may be some regulations against roosters.

Or Quail, they make pleasant sound and again lay you eggs, very cute and come in several different varieties. When you bring them food they sing about it and when they are really happy about it they pop up and down like popcorn. Just dont keep what ever lives local to you and you probably dont need a permit.

I'm more a farm bird type, but I've met a few nice budgies, otherwise though I think parrots hate me.
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May 19, 2011
I mostly keep conures (two green cheeks, a nanday, and a peach-front) and also have a blue pionus and an african grey plus some society finches. Haven't had much experience breeding but have had some experience with hand-feeding young birds of multiple sizes. The Flock is easily the most time consuming and rewarding group of companions in my home.


Old Timer
Jan 19, 2010
I used to keep all kinds of different birds, from sparrows to a muluccan. They need daily care and are long lived intelligent creatures.
Recently I seen a blue parrotlet . If I were looking for a bird again I would have grabbed it.

Steven Valys

Old Timer
Aug 30, 2007
Turkeys! One of the most useful birds out there. Lay eggs(although, only half of what a chicken puts out in quantity, size will make up for it), if needed, a few good meals, they'll take care of the bugs in the yard( as well as the frogs, lizards, snakes, and small rodents), they'll keep the neighbors out of the yard. It's not fun to mess with a territorial tom! Easy keepers if you have the room outside. Give them shelter, water, and a little grain(free range is the way to go dollar-wise) and keep the dogs away(wild or domestic). It's only the beginning of March and the incubator has over 90 eggs in it and 3 have already hatched out, with number 4 pipped. Did I mention, haven't bought turkey in years, live or frozen? They are also very social when imprinted. My best guy is a C.B.B. Rio Grande wild. Friendliest bird I've ever had. acts just like a puppy.


Sep 26, 2011
Turkeys! One of the most useful birds out there. Lay eggs(although, only half of what a chicken puts out in quantity, size will make up for it), if needed, a few good meals, they'll take care of the bugs in the yard( as well as the frogs, lizards, snakes, and small rodents), they'll keep the neighbors out of the yard. It's not fun to mess with a territorial tom! Easy keepers if you have the room outside. Give them shelter, water, and a little grain(free range is the way to go dollar-wise) and keep the dogs away(wild or domestic). It's only the beginning of March and the incubator has over 90 eggs in it and 3 have already hatched out, with number 4 pipped. Did I mention, haven't bought turkey in years, live or frozen? They are also very social when imprinted. My best guy is a C.B.B. Rio Grande wild. Friendliest bird I've ever had. acts just like a puppy.
Good on ya! We have a tom, hes the silliest thing. He hates it when I mess with his chickens lol. We only have one, they are mouthy in numbers from what I have seen though. Wish we had a hen for our tom. I want to taste a home grown turkey some day!

:eek: you have an Emu! I'm so jealous!