Avicularia tank size

Erica Clemente

Jan 13, 2020
Sorry, I know this is asked again and again and tried to find the formula for this here and lost. I am considering buying an A. Avicularia that say, is maybe 2-3 inches. Can’t really tell the way they have it displayed exactly but about that to be a reasonable guess. I lost one and I am trying to make sure that I don’t make any mistakes I may have made. I had enough of everything and maybe only issue I could guess with my last was that the tank was too tall for her to find food. I don’t know if that’s why my last one passed but I am still trying to avoid making mistakes. Can anyone please help me ? I know for all T’s I have seen measurements based on size of T as well as arboreal and terrestrial etc. sorry to repost a question asked and answered a million times.