Avic avic Molt From Start to Finish (Pics + Vid!!!)

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Well, the highlights anyways!!!! Last night, my Avic avic molted, and I sat there with my camera taking pics for an hour. I ended up with 23 pics of the actual molting process (taking a pic every 2-5 minutes), and about 5 other pics. Since I don't want to post up that many pics, I've strung the whole series into a video that will be uploaded and posted when I get home from work tomorrow afternoon.

Until then, here are a few sequence shots of the event:



Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
GORGEOUS!! She was in a great spot for pictures.. those are great!

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Video as Promised!!!!

Here it is.....just as I promised.

[YOUTUBE]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/wFbHDf8yO_Q&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/wFbHDf8yO_Q&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]

Thanks, Jairi!! That little corner of her enclosure is "her spot," so that hammock of hers made for easy viewing. I have been expecting this molt for quite some time now. Wish I could have caught it on video, but this will have to do.


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
Congrats!!!! great photos/video. She's gorgeous and I still love that name. :D

I almost bought an A. avic today, a 3"er at petco, but I made the mistake of waiting and asking instead of buying and "suprise" :rolleyes: :wall: (this isn't the first time I made the mistake either)

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Thanks!!! Eva is such a fitting name for her, isn't it?

What did the folks have to say about another T?? (*psst* C. fasciatum *cough*)


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
It is, that was acctually what I was going to name my B. smithi originally {D Honestly, it wouldn't have fit her well, not that Marik does seeing as its a boy name {D {D

They said no :( Other than the avic I also tried convincing them to let me get a C. fasciatum, I think they were over pricing it though, (plus my parents said no :wall: ) they wanted $40,I rememeber seeing one of a similar size for half that. It's sad, I'd finally gotten my collection to a size I was pretty happy with, and then I lost my C. schioedtei, and my MM A. avicularia is getting on up there in age, he's never eaten in my care, and his grip isn't what it used to be. (Plus he looks shoddy) (He needs to take some advice from his shelf mates who act like I starve them. :rolleyes: I just fed them yesterday and today I caught two of them eating their isopods.

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
That's funny, but obviously the name must have fit her, LOL!!! Yeah, I try and pick a name that fits the T....I just let them "tell me their name." My B. smithi is "Jasmine" (sometimes she is "Princess Jasmine" LOL), P. cambridgei is "Desirae," S. cal is "Lilith," G. rosea is "Charlotte," etc.

Too bad you can't have any more T's, though. You'd at least think your parents would let you replace your C. schioedtei and your MM Avic avic that might possibly be on his way out.....8 T's is too few for an animal lover, IMHO. Especially since you haven't yet experienced the love of......oh....GBB, C. fasciatum, A. versicolor, H. mac....or even the dreaded S. cal!!!!

Now, I've seen T's teleport before, but if you think Pokies and OBT's are fast.......Imagine looking at your S. cal one minute, then you blink and it's not there anymore!!!!! The first time I saw that, I jumped back about 5 feet, landed flat on my keister, and damn near simultaneously crapped my pants. Since then, I have been flat out FRIGHTENED of that thing!!!! Not that I'm worried about a bite, but losing an animal that I really love is a very troublesome thought. Moreso if it is my own stupidity that led to that happening......and I do not think that a free-ranging S. cal would be a happy-go-lucky good-time either, IMHO (but hopefully never IME :p ).


Old Timer
Aug 9, 2008

wow stunning pic, u must have a really awesome camera. beautiful spider, i just love the colours on the undereath of their feet

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Thanks, glad you like the pics!!! My camera actually is an old 7.1 Mp Kodak EasyShare ZD710 that I got for $60 at a hock-shop, LOL.


Old Timer
Aug 30, 2009
Grats and great shots/video!

I hoping my A.avic will soon molt as well as she's spun herself up in her hammock just as yours and has refused to eat. I've had her now roughly 4-5 months and nothing yet.

She's the only one of my 6 that have yet to molt within my care so she's really playing the games with me :D


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
That's funny, but obviously the name must have fit her, LOL!!! Yeah, I try and pick a name that fits the T....I just let them "tell me their name." My B. smithi is "Jasmine" (sometimes she is "Princess Jasmine" LOL), P. cambridgei is "Desirae," S. cal is "Lilith," G. rosea is "Charlotte," etc.

Too bad you can't have any more T's, though. You'd at least think your parents would let you replace your C. schioedtei and your MM Avic avic that might possibly be on his way out.....8 T's is too few for an animal lover, IMHO. Especially since you haven't yet experienced the love of......oh....GBB, C. fasciatum, A. versicolor, H. mac....or even the dreaded S. cal!!!!
Usually I do the same for my Ts. "Spazz" for instance? :D My A. avic "Bullet" cause he used to be a speedy little thing.{D

Yeah, it sucks, and you'd think, but what can I do? I haven't talked to my dad yet, but my mom swears up and down that he'll be opposed to it, which I don't nessicarily doubt. 8 isn't nearly enough. {D oh man I think I know what my first out of the house order of Ts are going to be. :rolleyes: