Auckland Tree Weta (Hemideina thoracica)
Found this female in the garden today. Truly amazing insects, this one isn’t fully grown yet but still very impressive. There’s over 70 species of Weta found only in New Zealand. The largest species, The Little Barrier Giant Weta or Wetapunga can grow up to 9cm long.
Weta are nocturnal and feed mainly on plant matter and fungi, during the day they hide in holes in trees. I found this one in a dead Agapanthus flower stem.
I was thinking about keeping her, but there is very little info about captive care of them.
Check those antenna!
Defensive position
After taking the photos I released her into the same plant she was caught in.
Questions and comments welcome
Found this female in the garden today. Truly amazing insects, this one isn’t fully grown yet but still very impressive. There’s over 70 species of Weta found only in New Zealand. The largest species, The Little Barrier Giant Weta or Wetapunga can grow up to 9cm long.
Weta are nocturnal and feed mainly on plant matter and fungi, during the day they hide in holes in trees. I found this one in a dead Agapanthus flower stem.
I was thinking about keeping her, but there is very little info about captive care of them.

Check those antenna!

Defensive position

After taking the photos I released her into the same plant she was caught in.
Questions and comments welcome