If you mean assassin bug, then search the forums for Platymeris.
Platymeris need dry, arid conditions. I'd mist a part of the cage to encourage egg laying. Use a 80/20 peat/sand mix.
The nymphs will feed with adults, but if I were you, I'd start a mealworm colony and use the small mealworms to feed the nymphs. Then, the adults will eat roaches.
This is basic, if you do a forum search you will find a few threads with lots of information.
I keep my Platymeris in a large storage container with screen for ventilation. I use fake vines and paper towel rolls for hiding/climbing areas (maybe cork tubes would be more aesthetically pleasing). I keep them on a dry peat mix substrate and spray them once or twice a week. I have a small dish filled with moist peat/sphagnum for an egg-laying site. I basically just feed them whatever is left over after I finish feeding my other animals. They have no problem taking down large food items, and grow like weeds! Probably one of the easiest inverts to care for. Good luck!
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