Hello all. After lots of research, and lots of help from the fine folks here, I have decided to get some Asbolus verrucosus. I plan on housing 2-3 beetles in either a 2.5 or 5.5 gallon aquarium. I would like to use live succulents in the tank along with rock for hardscape and mopani wood to create hides and climbing structures. In regard to the substrate I should use. I was going to put in a 1" drainage area of leca balls or lava rock and then a substrate barrier. For substrate I was looking at using a 3-4" layer of bonsai and succulent gritty soil topped with coarse grit sand. The sand will be just deep enough to cover the soil. I would like to find a soil that works for both supporting the plants and that the beetles will like, and I am open to suggestions on that. As for plants, I know to avoid spiny cactus and succulents as well as any that have a milky wax when broken. I would like to plant the succulents directly in the substrate because the layout I plan to use will not allow all of the succulents to be planted in their pots. If preferred, I will plant those I can in their pots after thoroughly washing them and repotting with new soil. I plan on using an overhead full spectrum light set to a 6 hour timer for lighting. I will also bury 2-3 food dishes around the tank to place food for the beetles. The primary food I will use is dried crickets and mealworms and I will supplement with fruits and vegetables. The layout I have planned will have some taller rocks in the center of the tank with smaller surrounding. I will stack the mopani wood to create climbing areas and also hides. I will tuck the succulents among the smaller rocks and wood but there will be at least 4" between these structures and the top of the tank. I do not plan on using a cover for the tank and I am hoping for some of the succulents to grow above the top of the tank. Are there succulents you would suggest or any that you know I should avoid? Does this sound like a solid plan or do I need to make adjustments? Any help or suggestions you can give is greatly appreciated.