User ARKSoft84's Tarantulas


Aug 26, 2020
Hello All,

Lurking member, semi new to Tarantulas, not new at all to reptile keeping and the like.

I've been wanting to get and keep a Tarantula. Now that Covid-19 hit and things have slowed down, and thanks to a Repticon and some very nice folks who where selling mainly geckos but had a bowl full of T. albopilosum I came home with a sub .5 inch sling.


I have since realized that the enclosure was really not that great. I found something at The Container Store, and my little guy appears to really enjoy it, he/she has now molted once in my care, and from what the seller told me, that molt would be it's 2nd total.

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I have started to watch a ton of YouTube, mainly The Tarantula Collective, but also Tom Moran as well as many others, and I've saw some beautiful species, so I decided it was time to expand. I went to Fear Not Tarantulas and my collection began.

C. cyaneopubescens over 3/4:

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L. parahybana .5 or smaller, has molted once already in my care:


While I was at it, I figured I had better share the love and the addiction, so I ordered a *Mystery Arboreal* which way described as a 1 to 2 inch Arboreal. Much to my surprise it appears that I received a P. vittata:

IMG_20200831_224635.jpg IMG_20200831_214315.jpg I almost regretted giving this guy to my brother-n-law, but I know it will be well taken care of.

Moving forward, watching tons of videos I found myself really wanting a C. versicolor.. another Repticon, and thanks to the great folks over at Asheville Wildside I came home with:

C. versicolor:

I've hit my photo limit so I'll split this in two parts.

Another photo of the C. versicolor:


I also came home with my first A. chalcodes! Which I do not have a photo of for some reason.. but pretty well could insert a picture of any A. chalcodes sling here and I'm sure it would resemble it well!

So... Where does the madness end? Well hopefully with some full grown T's! So fast forward just a little bit more, another Repticon... And I came home with an adult supposed female A. metallica! And an Adult (what I presume male) was told it was a female by the seller A. chalcodes! Much to my surprise, my wife said "hey I want that one" so we came home with a sub-adult A. seemanni as will as an juvenile P. murinus... What was I thinking... Now the collection has certainly grown!

A. metallica over 5":

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A. chalcodes over 5":

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A. seemanni (can't hardly see it.. but it has already made one impressive burrow!):


So.. what's next... I'm thinking P. metallica I really wanted to go ahead and get it when I saw it at this last repticon... I also really like the H. pulchripes.. decisions decisions..


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Apr 25, 2020
Hey :) the holes looks really big for your T. Albo (2nd picture). I'm pretty sure the spider could escape! I'm in love with my H. Pulchripes, it's one of the best looking tarantula I own. I would recommend it with absolutely no doubt. 20200831_220900.jpg


Aug 26, 2020
Thanks jay444! That H. pulchripes is amazing looking!

I too thought that the holes were too large.. so much so that I even put it in a cricket cup until it molted.. now I'd have a hard time believing it could escape.. talk about a large rump!

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My L. parahybana molted recently, and today was the first time that I've tried feeding since molting. It has been hanging out under a piece of cork bark since the molt.

I snapped a close up photo, and noticed some strange blobs. Anyone have any idea?

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Apr 25, 2020
My L. parahybana molted recently, and today was the first time that I've tried feeding since molting. It has been hanging out under a piece of cork bark since the molt.

I snapped a close up photo, and noticed some strange blobs. Anyone have any idea?

View attachment 358703

Weird. You should start a new thread to ask the question. More people would see it.