I think thats the correct name I just saw this in the garden outside my office. I cant get in low enough to get a nice photo of its back. Searched the net for a name and thats what looks the closest. Unless its something else
dunno if I´m right, just wanted to mention this species since the opisthosoma fits quite well. But, who knows, maybe there´re more species of that genus which an opisthosoma like that :-/
I normally look here first http://www.biodiversityexplorer.org/arachnids/spiders/index.htm If I cant work it out. I email the leading spider expert there, and thats how I got it id'ed now. Slowly but surely learning but otherwise i'm still pretty much a newb.
He did say the following in a reply email:
The image of the ventral pattern is typical of A. australis and we have the yellow replaced by orange in some specimens on the Cape Peninsula.
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