I had a blast at THREE DIFFERENT PET STORES today. :wall:
First, I went to a Reptile specialty store to get medium rats for my Ball Python and some pinhead crickets. There were some tarantulas there, and they were kept on mulch. A mature male A. seemanni clearly had a huge, horrible blister on the top of his opisthosoma, and the petstore owner insisted that it was water on him because she had just watered him (translation: she had just FLOODED his woodchips). At my insistence, she prodded him with tongs and realized that it was in fact an injury...she said she'd "keep an eye on him". I offered her $30 for a female OBT that had been dumped on the petstore doorstep that morning. She said no, that the T was worth WAY more than that. She then proceeded to slap an $80 tag on the OBT. :wall: My offer might've been a tiny bit low (like $10 or less lol), but for pete's sake, the T was DROPPED OFF ON HER DOORSTEP and was living in cedar shavings. Not like she paid anything for it.
My other mission for the day was to find a new cage for my ever-growing Crested Gecko female. The first pet shop that I went to had A. avics on sand, and a mature male G. rosea for $35. :wall: I checked out some caging options and EVERYTHING suitable was over $70 except an extra large Kritter Keeper with a hot pink lid, which was $21.99. Not a terrible price (certainly not great either), but I like to shop around. I could have gotten a 10gal aquarium with a screen top, but they were out of screen tops!
SOO, I went to another pet store (Pet Store #3) down the street (literally a mile away). I checked out some of the animals and, again, wanted to slam my face into the wall after observing the incredibly poor husbandry. Also, they had the exact same extra large Kritter Keeper, pink lid and all, for $31.99! I went up to the owner and said "Ya know, down at Pet Store #2, they have the EXACT same KK for $10 less." The owner then replied, "I don't care, somebody will eventually buy it." So I left, went back to Pet Store #2, and bought the first hot pink KK.
I DO NOT live in a town that has a decent pet store! Sometimes I just need some freakin supplies, and can't wait for the next reptile show, arrrgh!
I should also note that I went to the Wal Mart Supercenter, which was also out of screen tops, and only had those little Herp Haven thingies, nothing suitable for a Crested Gecko.
First, I went to a Reptile specialty store to get medium rats for my Ball Python and some pinhead crickets. There were some tarantulas there, and they were kept on mulch. A mature male A. seemanni clearly had a huge, horrible blister on the top of his opisthosoma, and the petstore owner insisted that it was water on him because she had just watered him (translation: she had just FLOODED his woodchips). At my insistence, she prodded him with tongs and realized that it was in fact an injury...she said she'd "keep an eye on him". I offered her $30 for a female OBT that had been dumped on the petstore doorstep that morning. She said no, that the T was worth WAY more than that. She then proceeded to slap an $80 tag on the OBT. :wall: My offer might've been a tiny bit low (like $10 or less lol), but for pete's sake, the T was DROPPED OFF ON HER DOORSTEP and was living in cedar shavings. Not like she paid anything for it.
My other mission for the day was to find a new cage for my ever-growing Crested Gecko female. The first pet shop that I went to had A. avics on sand, and a mature male G. rosea for $35. :wall: I checked out some caging options and EVERYTHING suitable was over $70 except an extra large Kritter Keeper with a hot pink lid, which was $21.99. Not a terrible price (certainly not great either), but I like to shop around. I could have gotten a 10gal aquarium with a screen top, but they were out of screen tops!
SOO, I went to another pet store (Pet Store #3) down the street (literally a mile away). I checked out some of the animals and, again, wanted to slam my face into the wall after observing the incredibly poor husbandry. Also, they had the exact same extra large Kritter Keeper, pink lid and all, for $31.99! I went up to the owner and said "Ya know, down at Pet Store #2, they have the EXACT same KK for $10 less." The owner then replied, "I don't care, somebody will eventually buy it." So I left, went back to Pet Store #2, and bought the first hot pink KK.
I DO NOT live in a town that has a decent pet store! Sometimes I just need some freakin supplies, and can't wait for the next reptile show, arrrgh!
I should also note that I went to the Wal Mart Supercenter, which was also out of screen tops, and only had those little Herp Haven thingies, nothing suitable for a Crested Gecko.
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