Are you guys satisfied with having only one per species?


Old Timer
Apr 22, 2006
Or do you really want pairs to breed or for whatever other reasons?

Cuz I have the tendency to not enjoy just having one. I dont know... how about you guys, how do you feel about it?

I plan to buy a frilled lizard soon, its $100 here, and I want to get one now, but a part of me wants to get 2, though budget restrains me to get 2 anytime soon. :(


Old Timer
Sep 29, 2007
Or do you really want pairs to breed or for whatever other reasons?

Cuz I have the tendency to not enjoy just having one. I dont know... how about you guys, how do you feel about it?

I plan to buy a frilled lizard soon, its $100 here, and I want to get one now, but a part of me wants to get 2, though budget restrains me to get 2 anytime soon. :(
I get centipedes in pairs, mainly cause if one die I'll have another of the same species up {D second reason would be for breeding but since I get them as babies I wouldn't know anyways, whether they are of opposite sex. Luck of the dice I guess.

But yeah, i'm high maintenance and hard to satisfy. I'm always like "THIS IS THE LAST TIME I'M BUYING MORE ANIMALS, AS GOD IS MY WITNESS!" a week later "GOD I'M SOOOO SORRY I'LL MAKE IT UP SOMEHOW I SWEAR!!"

I guess I like keeping many stuff around cause they keep me company when I'm alone or when I feel sad. Many times I buy stuff out of depression. I still keep them well though but yeah...this applies to many other stuff other then animals.


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2007
Pairs or more for me.

My opinion FOR MY SITUATION (needed a disclaimer since each situation/opinion is different) is if I can afford it and properly care for more than one, then I should buy at least a pair and allow them to do what they spent all their time and energy growing an maturing for: Reproduction. Many don't agree and they buy a pet and are perfectly happy with it. Just depends on you constraints be it financial, time, ability, etc. Or just your desire. You may only want one pet. When I picked up my frillies I bought four. I had the extra space, time, and funds to do so. It has been fun to watch them grow and see the difference in behaviors. I realized at the time though that if I didn't luck out and more than one was male, I'd need a second cage.
Whoa long post. In summary I wouldn't see it as bad to have just one. Just depends on what you are looking for.

Cirith Ungol

Ministry of Fluffy Bunnies
Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
Optimal responsibility taking would be breeding, but even without I wouldn't mind having several of one species. I'm actually considering getting a few more genics and versis.


Old Timer
Apr 22, 2006
THANKS GUYS! Great views, I somewhat agree with it too!

My opinion FOR MY SITUATION (needed a disclaimer since each situation/opinion is different) is if I can afford it and properly care for more than one, then I should buy at least a pair and allow them to do what they spent all their time and energy growing an maturing for: Reproduction. Many don't agree and they buy a pet and are perfectly happy with it. Just depends on you constraints be it financial, time, ability, etc. Or just your desire. You may only want one pet. When I picked up my frillies I bought four. I had the extra space, time, and funds to do so. It has been fun to watch them grow and see the difference in behaviors. I realized at the time though that if I didn't luck out and more than one was male, I'd need a second cage.
Whoa long post. In summary I wouldn't see it as bad to have just one. Just depends on what you are looking for.
Out of the 4, how many were males? If I buy 2, I pray to God its a pair. Also, how are they now?


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2007
I was lucky.

One turned out to be a male and the other three were female. I bought them back in March as hatchlings. so they are a bit older than 7 months.


Old Timer
Apr 22, 2006
Are they hardy animals? I heard they are more harder than BDs... but I just wanna know how hard. I got BDs for 3 months now and growing well, as well as a Green Iguana. Got a sailfin lizard once too, which lasted 3 years.


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2007
Similar to beardies actually.

If you've kept a green iguana for any length of time these are easy. As long as they are healthy, problem free dragons from the start, they are simple to care for. Keep them at similar temps to you beardies. The main differences are going to be cage orientation, humidity, and diet. Frillies are adapted for tree life so a taller cage with lots of climbing space is recommended. They are found in trees so try to recreate that as best as possible. Also they need more humidity than beardies. I've never measured the humidity levels in any of my animal cages, but for my frillies, I'd mist them down in the morning then drop ice cubes on the top of their enclosure so they had a moving water source as the ice melted. Not needed, but it worked for me. The cage they are in now has a plexiglass lid so it holds humidity better. I still mist them daily and they driink from the droplets that form around their mouths. They also use their water dish. Now the last difference is they eat a lot. Beardies do too but you can supplement a beardies diet with vegetation. My frillies eat at least once a day and they are always looking for more food. Great lizards and one of my favorites to work with even though they aren't monitors.:)


Old Timer
Apr 22, 2006
THANKS! Their temperament though... is it like the green iguana? Which can be very fast and lethargic, esp. when new...

Here in the Phils., I guess the temperature is good for them.



Old Timer
Jul 31, 2007
Very calm. I take them out of their cage and put them on my shoulder and they just sit there as I walk about my animal room taking care of other stuff. Never have they tried to bite even when they first were obtained. Great temperaments and awesome personalities.


Old Timer
Mar 13, 2007
Or do you really want pairs to breed or for whatever other reasons?
At the moment, its hard to give a straight answer to that question; it all depends on the species. I would love to get another waterdragon for my male, but cb sexed female WDs can be hard to comeby. I also wouldn't mind a male tokay or white-lipped tree frog to match my females, but thats about it. The only two reasons for me to keep multiples of a species would be 1. they can be kept communally (no reason wasting precious space on something you already have) or 2. if they are a different morph or mutation. I would apsolutly love a bumblebee BP! ~ Rex