phasmids are usually deemed invasive sp. here in the us(unless they are found in the states) the only way one could do it is A. illegally or B. try and get a permit from the USDA(but there not going to hand them out to the average joe) maybe for research or something.
so yes it is illegal. as with all non native phasmids. this include stick insects, and leaf bugs.
For the Feds (USDA/PPQ): One would not really need a "selling" permit, but everyone (including yourself and anyone you would be selling to) would need a permit to be in possession of them since they are exotics.
Now, if you meant "can I import them into the US from UK", you would also need Fed and State import permits/clearance (if you are the receiver).
No individual is allowed permits to import or own any non native Phasmid. Permits are issued to Federally approved facilities and thier persons only. Non native phasmids are illegal in the USA.
Side note: Does no one use a search function anymore? This topic comes up every month or two it seems with the same posts.... there is a thread referring to this topic just a week ago or so, today its a few posts away from this one.
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