Hey all,
I know this to genus, probably speices, but it's a cool one so I wanted to share and see if anyone could sight ID it! Collected this weekend in Ithaca NY.
Sorry, nothing closer than the pic I posted first for now. It's dead and awaiting pinning to be put into the collection here. As for taxa....I woulnd't put it in this forum if it wasn't an insect.
I did some quick photoshopping..... Definitley enough info to get to family in this thread....it's just not a characteristic member of the family, though a fairly recognizable bug once you've seen it once. This was the first time I'd ever seen/collected it.
But it's an insect..... I think the modified tarsi might be giving you the wrong idea about leg structure..... Ever seen a spider with a tiny head on it and a big single eye on each side?
But what is it? And from the looks of it looks like it has 4 legs. And where are the antenna if they're not small like those in cicadas or something. From the body shape I say it looks something like a plant hopper or something of the sort.
Keep us posted! I wanna know what this is! And have you tried Bugguide? They might know if the insect is from the USA - Canada. But due to the quality of the picture they might not be able to tell you what species it is or anything from that manner.
My last suggestion is to try What's That Bug.com Google it and email them with the pic if Bugguide doesn't work. *Crosses fingers*
Thanks for the suggestions about bugguide Widow, but I already know what this bug is, just putting it up here for fun and for something different for everyone to see.
It does have all six legs, though in this picture you can only see five clearly.
I'll give you all a clue, it is Holometabolus.....so that knocks out pretty much all the insects guessed already. Also... think about what time of year it is here in Ithaca....
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