Hi, i live in kilmarnock near glasgow anw wondered if anyone could help me with 3 avic's. (se pics in other threads)
I had to drive to england fri after finding out my father has a inoperable brain tumor and im not sure how long i will be here for. I have nobody to look aftger my avic's as my friends are to nervous about the whole thing, one of my avic slings just moulted as well 3 days ago and i was gonna put it in a bigger home. I wondered if i cant get back to look after them if anyone in the area would either help me for now or take them off me. like i said i have no idea yet how long ill be away or what is gonna happen but just wanted to put feelers out so to speak.
I had to drive to england fri after finding out my father has a inoperable brain tumor and im not sure how long i will be here for. I have nobody to look aftger my avic's as my friends are to nervous about the whole thing, one of my avic slings just moulted as well 3 days ago and i was gonna put it in a bigger home. I wondered if i cant get back to look after them if anyone in the area would either help me for now or take them off me. like i said i have no idea yet how long ill be away or what is gonna happen but just wanted to put feelers out so to speak.