I would love to have one, but I don't know the care requirements and such, plus I'd be a little scared when it comes to cage cleaning time :wall: Haha.
"Having a hard time"? You only waited four hours after posting in the selling forum, dude. Settle down and wait. You can't get all agitated and expect instant cash, especially as an apparent complete newbie with no existing reputation or reviews in the review subforum to encourage people to buy from you.
Plus you're selling a hot species, which not everyone will even consider. I know I wouldn't.
Mushroom you have a point there (And yes i get what ur saying about the way im usin the forum) What can I do to find out about that? Fish n Game Commision ?
I'm more into Trading this guy to a dedicated keeper than Selling him for $
its REALLY hard for me to find Scorpions other than Emperors. I'd really like to have a new species.
Maybe even another Pandinus Subspecies or Heterometrus that will live communal with my Scorps already.
Mushroom what is your opinion on this? is it maybe just a better idea to let him go in the wild? (obviously but i mean from a saftey standard)
There are too many reasons why i Can't have him. Even though hes absolutely gorgeous. In fact, i'm pretty sure the color pattern on this guy will be among the most beautiful for Crotalus Oreganus! I see in his scales a green tinge with Grey and his stripey/patchy pattern of a reddish brown
I dont know the rules where you live, but in Oklahoma, it is absolutely illegal to release a hot snake into the wild. Best example of this is that all the snakes they gather up in the rattlesnake roundups they cant re-release even if they had the inclination to do so (which they dont)
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