Hehe yeah, Maybe I'll see one of you some other time, somewhere in Europe.
Maybe I did see aftershocks, can't say for sure
Some well-known german dealers there...Kahlenberg, Vinmann, Grabowitz (I think he's german), all with pretty good inventories. They're not very hot on English though, dammit German isn't a world-language yet
They should at least know 'mold'
Myself was thinking about Taps for a long time...Tapinauchenis elenae, cupreus, latipes, purpures or gigas?
With a lack of pictures of adult specimens from each species, I went for the orangutan; gigas, fearing I'd end up with A-Rather-Brown Tapinauchenius otherwise.
Now this sucker is fast, and 'down' isn't a known concept in its little body
Also got a baby Avicularia metallica (I hope this time).
So now I just need to find out something easy to feed them (meaning neither frozen parts or tiny cricks).
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