Yes - I breed them. They are quite common and probably the 4th most-frequently bred feeder roach, behind lateralis, lobster, and dubia.
If you are breeding dubias successfully, you can breed discoids successfully. They are a nice meaty roach to offer.
Sry - the nymphs won't play dead, like dubia nymphs, but otherwise they are very similar in requirements to grow a colony successfully.
I remember when the three roaches you could get over five years ago were hissers, lobsters and discoids on anything approaching a regular basis, then came orange heads and dubia. We have not sold discoids very often. I can say that the few times we did sell them was when people wanted to get rid of their colonies. In two of the cases it was due to allergic reactions. Interestingly enough in both cases we sold them other species of blaberus and they did not have any allergic reaction. Early on however Blaptica dubia eclipsed the popularity of discoids. This was back when dubia were going for 35-40 dollars a dozen!
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