Anybody breed brine shimp?


Old Timer
Jan 24, 2006
I think ive got all the info i need except im still unsure on food. i want to avoid buying things like spirulina and "brine shimp food". I am wondering if i can jsut have a few bottles of algea going and feed them dry crushed green algae?


Old Timer
Nov 30, 2005
When I was breeding fish on a mass scale,I was also breeding and raising brine shrimp,and I fed the occasional bit of algae,but what really made them grow and flat out go crazy was plain simple dried yeast,like you use to bake with. I will say feed it sparingly,it clouds the water(but they stink to high hell anyways!) but it works real good.I fed that as their staple diet.Jack Watley the famous discus fish breeder,fed his brine on nothing but yeast with vitamins added(for more vigorous fish).


Old Timer
Jun 15, 2004
you can do a search on the boards, I don't know if anything other than my project will come up.

I have a 2 gal tank for brine shrimp, I currently don't have any swimming, but it's chock full of cysts (I need to work on hatching those...)

keep a light on them. I fed the remains of some dried algea left over from my first "sea monkey" kit, I just dumped it all in pretty much. and let it get light.

once you have algea growing on the bottom, you will have a pretty much self sustaining colony. mine lived for about 4 months. I have some hatchlings on two seperate occasions, but both times they failed. I'm letting my watter go down a bit and letting the cysts dry out a bit before starting again.

get a hydrometer it is very helpful. I believe the best salinity is around 1.017 to 1.018
you can also get a ph tester thing (I don't have one)

PM me anytime if you need any tips.