i had a couple
a G.pulchripes
its about 4 inches now
a LP,LD, and B.vagans sling molt
they went from invisible to barley visible.
and a N.color is the size of a quarter now.
GBB molted 12/09, molt size 1"
OBT molted around 12/12, he put out molt for mommy on 12/13, molt size 1"
B. smithi molted 12/12, molt size 1-5/8"
G. pulchra molted 12/13, molt size: 1-6/8"
B. boehmei molted today! I still haven't taken out the molt
B.Albo,now 3.5 inch LS,P.Irminia,1.5 inch LS,and P. Murinus,Now 3.5 inch LS.......Have a few Aphonopelma ready to molt any year now as well...I will be 50 by the time they finally molt.
my smallest spiderling molted on 12/9...right before the boards came back up...in the before time...it's still a little hard to talk about it....anyways here it is a little while before the molt:
My S. calceatum molted while AB was down. Her molt measured 2.5", but I've only seen a glimpse of her since the molt. I'm guessing she is now at about 3" or so, and probably needs to be rehoused. Good times!!!
I lost a Singapore blue sling in a molt (never broke old exo). Not really sure what went wrong there (could have been a hair dry, but I had no idea it was going to go into molt, I had only seen it once in the week I had it).
I had quite a few successful molts as well...
Another singapore blue went from about 1" to it appears 2" (I haven't seen more than it's front legs at this point but they look about 2x as long! WOW!)
-C. Cyaneopubescens went from about 20mm to about 27mm
-B. Vagans molting tonight (from about 1/3" to unknown)
-C. Fasciatum from about 1.75" to about 1.75" (really doesn't appear to have grown much at all)
-C. Fasciatum on it's back right now, same size as the one that molted a couple of days ago.
-B. Albopilosum went from 1/3" or so to about 1/2"
5 others look like they are in premolt now, so I think the next two weeks will be fairly exciting!
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