Any Goldfish Keepers?


Old Timer
Jul 8, 2007
I was wondering if anyone else on this board is a goldfish keeper (as in, a serious keeper who takes legitimate care of the animal, not someone who replaces them monthly as they die of ammonia poisoning in a fish bowl, rofl). If so, what kinds of goldfish do you keep? Do you have a pond? Do you breed? Post pics of your fish if you please!
I currently have four common goldfish and six fancies. The fancies are all babies 2" and under so they're living in a 75g until they start to outgrow it. They include two fantails, two lionheads, a bubble eye, and a pearlscale. The pearlscale, bubble eye, one of the fain tails, and one of the lionheads each have only one eye, because I have a weird "thing" for one eyed goldfish for some reason. Three of the commons, a 12" 4 y.o. male and his two 3" offspring, live in a 100g bin in my basement and are soon moving into a 300g bin, which is as close as I'm apt to get to a pond. The last common has insanely bad facial deformities so he has to live alone (well, sortof. he lives with a rosy red minnow). He's also growth stunted, so his humble abode is a 20g - plenty spacious for a one year old who has not passed the 2.5" mark.

Here's a few (low quality) pics. Sorry they're so crappy, I don't have photoshop on this computer so I'm compressing everything in the origional Paint program.

Buddy, Calico Fantail

Richard II, Pearlscale

Prodigy, Common Goldfish

Loxia, deformed Common Goldfish


Old Timer
Sep 29, 2007
What I really hate are those goldfish that has those giant eyes that pop out.

I get them and usually they manage to lose one eye or if worst...both!


Old Timer
May 7, 2006
I have two commets in a 90 gallon with three turtles, and do weekly water changes of 50 percent, the tank is not completely full but over half. The gold fish are too big and the turtles are lazy so its all good. One is standard orange the other is orange with a white head LOL.



Old Timer
Jan 8, 2005
i used to keep a trio of 7" ranchu in a 75g but it sprung a leak while i was away. i raised those three from 1".