they seem to be mobilizing... into the house! i've noticed a few crawling around the floor of the house, and i don't want them invading the house. i'm most worried about the T's and scorps. any advice on how to get rid of the little bastards?
one imt ei went on vacation to come back and found ants going into my pinktoes cage
they were eating the dead bugs that were left
they didnt seem to harm the ts but i got rid of them by sealing the place they were coming in at and then just took a rolling pin and rolled those guys down
I'm having the same problem. They come in my house every year and they ate a centipede I had once.
I've tried some safe options like cinnamon, dish soap, citrus oil. It only seems to work temporarily. So I've been going around the house every day and finding where they're coming in and plugging the holes or spraying soap into them. That seems to work but they always find another way to get in.
I was late for work the other day because I woke up and they were all in my roach tanks and I had to spend 30 mins cleaning the stupid ants out.
H8 ants!
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