Anti-Cat thread.

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Old Timer
Jun 15, 2004
Okay, who here hates cats? Me I hate them, I believe they are evil.

Please share some I hate cats experienses.

I'll start.

One day I woke up, I saw that no good cat that occupies my house without my consent. My mom bought me a small salamander. I was sick in bed and couldn't get up. I can remember the reason why I was in bed and couldn't get up, maybe I had a fever or something, anyway I could NOT get outta bed so I was there watching my salamander sleep from the delitful veiw from my bed, and all the sudden the door opened, MY DOOR, and along came the cat, it slowly walked in my room. I yelled at it, shouted at it, for Gods sakes I THREW things at it i.e. lego model in which it took me HOURS to build, but I didn't care ANYTHING to get that damnable cat! And that cat did not care it simply dodged a few lego models watched them shatter close by him, and continued to proceed toward my desk which contained my salamander. He jumped upon the desk crawled toward the aquarium my salamander crwled into his pitiful Hideout, but it was not strong enough to hold out the decieving claw of the cat. one swoop, and CHOMP. At that exact piont I threw my water glass at it and POW! hit the cat right in the face! The feind then dropped the salamander, and then jumped out the window and ran like a bat out of hell.

I continued to hate cats ever sinse.


Old Timer
Feb 9, 2004
I can's stand cats. My roommate has two of the damn things. My best cat story isn't that great but here it is anyway. One night last week after a few hours of drinking copious amounts of alcohol I was staggering through the apartment. One of the cats got under my feet and tripped me. I fell into a counter in the kitchen and hit my face. That kinda sucked. Thought my jaw was broken for a while. Eh, anyway, I hate cats.


Old Timer
Jun 15, 2004
Phaedrus said:
I can's stand cats. My roommate has two of the damn things. My best cat story isn't that great but here it is anyway. One night last week after a few hours of drinking copious amounts of alcohol I was staggering through the apartment. One of the cats got under my feet and tripped me. I fell into a counter in the kitchen and hit my face. That kinda sucked. Thought my jaw was broken for a while. Eh, anyway, I hate cats.
Are you sure it was really the cats fault you tripped, and it had nothing to do with you being drunk? Or wait, I KNOW, the cat took advantage of your to some extent fallen state. And tripped you! Cats ARE evil!


Old Timer
May 27, 2004
The simple fact that the cat continued coming at you while you were throwing things at it should earn some respect.
I think that attitude rules.
"what else ya got?"
Sorry to hear that your salamander got it.
A screen lid may have prevented this mishap.
Or perhaps someone with enough testicular fortitude (a.k.a. balls) to simply pick the cat up and take it outside instead of throwing <stuff> at it.
It's a cat brother, not a crocodile.
You threw a <naughty word!> GLASS at it!
Thats messed up guy, I think you need some help.
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Old Timer
May 11, 2003
Cats are wonderful...I have no reason to hate them.

@ Eric - Right on man! Couldn't have put it better ;)




Old Timer
Dec 11, 2002
I agree with Eric. It wasn't the cat's fault there wasn't a lid on the salamander tank...Maybe if someone had gotten up and put the cat back outside the room, or called another person to do so, it could've been prevented. Cat's are natural even being in the house should've been enough to make you think of getting a secure lid.


Old Timer
Jan 15, 2004
Its the nature of the beast. You don't have to like its nature but don't blame the beast.
I saw that no good cat that occupies my house without my consent.
what exactly do you mean by that statement? Is it someone elses cat that lives in the house that you don't want in the house or is it a neighbours cat?

Either way, if you dislike them that much I would find other ways to keep it if not out of the house than atleast out of your room. If the cats an aggresive hunter that lives in your home than its your responsibility to make sure it doesn't get at your other pets.


Old Timer
May 1, 2004
This reminds me of people who say things like "I hate snakes! Snakes are EVIL, even the Bible says so" and then go on to tell of how they twisted their ankle or something while running from a black snake that suddenly appeared in front of them on the garden path, OBVIOUSLY having lain in wait for them for hours, just to make them run like an idiot and break their ^*%$ ankle! Or, my aquaintance who believes that all spiders are demonic beings, and his reasoning is that anything which has 8 eyes and no face, and drinks other creature's blood, HAS to be evil, and therefore it is the God-given duty of every human to kill every spider they see! Come to think of it, it also reminds me of a two-year-old who is running through the house, and trips up and bangs his head, so he blames the "mean old floor" for making him fall! At least, though, a two-year-old DOES grow up to stop blaming animals and inanimate objects when bad things happen to him.

Animals are animals; they are genetically programmed to behave certain ways. Only humans are supposed to be able to have intelligence enough to recognize this fact and understand that animals don't fit within our concepts of "good" or "evil". I've had pets killed by other animals many times. I've had cats killed by dogs and even by owls, yet I don't hate dogs or owls. I've had dogs killed by OTHER dogs. I've had dogs killed by rattlesnakes. I've had dogs killed by wild hogs. I don't hate hogs. I don't hate snakes, either. I've had pigs killed by dogs and by coyotes, but I don't hate coyotes. I have intelligence enough to know that even though the experiences were emotionally painful for me, those animals doing the killing were just acting on instinct, and it was really MY fault for not taking better measures to have prevented it.



Old Timer
Feb 11, 2003
Christ, cant a man have an illogical hatered of some poor innocent critters without someone jumping down his throat. It isn't like there is an underabundance of felines or anything.

Anyway woijchik89 was bedridden when the cat ate his salamander. As in can't get up from bed for whatever reason. And intestinal fortitude means "guts", not "balls". "Balls" is testicular fortitude.

I don't like cats. Smelly creatures even when houstrained. If you don't housetrain 'em they kill the lawn. Ever try to get a cat to do something it doesn't want to do? They don't make enough butterfly bandages in the world to hold the ribbons that remain of your arm together. And you end up spending a fortune on cat food 'cus the damn thing is terrified of the possum chowing down on the food. It didn't get the rats either.

I still like cats, just not in my house. Cute as hell, furry too.



Old Timer
May 27, 2004
biznacho said:
Christ, cant a man have an illogical hatered of some poor innocent critters without someone jumping down his throat. It isn't like there is an underabundance of felines or anything.
Illogical fear is one of the biggest problems tarantula keepers have to deal with, so I think that posting about one on a forum that is trying to disspell them is rather...illogical.
But this is an open forum, and I am not against anyone posting whatever they feel free to do so, but one will get responses both positive and negative. Deal with it.
I think it's cool you are standing up for your friend, it's commendable, but throwing a glass at a cat is not, in my opinion.
I am sorry your friend was sick, but I can't imagine that it was so horrible he couldn't even move, as he stated, he couldn't even remember why he was in bed.
My bad on the intestinal, testicular thing. I was too focused on the fact that this guy couldn't summon the nerve to pick the cat up, but could still hurtle various objects at it? Come on...

My question is do you like or dislike cats?

biznacho said:
I don't like cats. Smelly creatures even when houstrained.
biznacho said:
I still like cats, just not in my house. Cute as hell, furry too.


Old Timer
Feb 11, 2003
zombieagogo said:
My question is do you like or dislike cats?
The answer is yes. I like other peoples cats. I couldn't stand to have one in the house.

I don't even know woijchik89. But I though you all were being a bit to hard on him for asserting his place at the top of the food chain.



Old Timer
May 27, 2004
biznacho said:
I don't even know woijchik89. But I though you all were being a bit to hard on him for asserting his place at the top of the food chain.
To assert his place at the top of the food chain he would have had to EAT the cat...

(now this has become extremely amusing)


Old Timer
Feb 11, 2003
If he wants to he can.

As the top predator in the world he can do as he pleases. Throw things at the cat, eat the cat, pull its tail, destroy the cats habitat,geneticly engineer cuter cats... Not all those things will keep him on top of the food chain. Not everyhting he does to the cat will keep him out of prison. But it's his choice to do them. It's also his choice not to do them and let the cat have the run of the house. Got to keep your pets in check.

Besides, every "glass" I own is made of plastic anyway. It doesn't leave nearly as big a bump as a glass "glass". I suspect the same is true for most middle class households.

Isn't cat a delicacy in some areas?


Spider-man 2

Old Timer
Jan 5, 2004
OMG, please, this thread needs help.

Think about this. Not ALL cats are evil/bad. Some can be better then dogs or any other animal, because not all dogs are good either. I am not telling you to like them, but to have respect for them. Hurting/killing any animal for any reason is WRONG and always will be (sometimes it has to be done, but it doesn't make it right), as I have learned.

Sorry if I am sounding harsh, but when I saw the "anti-cat thread", I got angry as my own cat is in the hospital right now as I type. Some other animal (cat/dog) attacked him and developed infections and now has a tube in his chin sitting in a cage all by himself. Poor little guy. He really is a sweet sweet cat and asks for attention like a dog does. He plays, talks, very neat and clean (he is siamese BTW). Never claws the furniture or people, even when playing rough.

You are free to your opinion and posting it or not, but as Eric said you will get negative and positive responses. It is just something you should expect when posting anything.

@biznacho - some stuff you mention is against the law (as in doing what you want to you pets (cats), hurting them, etc.). Don't forget about the ASPCA or Humane Society, or maybe even the cops. It's called animal cruelty and is punishable by law. Also, why would you throw anything at an animal? Doesn't matter if it is glass or plastic, it could still do damage. A "glass" really being plastic doesn't justify throwing it at the cat, ok. Is this making any sense yet?

How could you resist this face!!!!!! :)

Just looking at them makes me want to hug him right now. I miss him and he's only been gone for a little bit.


Old Timer
Jan 15, 2004
I especially love the red that some kind of a siamese morph :p
Hope your kitty gets better soon Spider-man2

It's also his choice not to do them and let the cat have the run of the house. Got to keep your pets in check.
Ohhh, I see, what you're saying is, its ok to have a cat around even though you don't like them..just keep them 'in check' by throwing things at them...I get it...thanks for clearing that up...

I like other peoples cats
pleeeeease, spare us all....if you really liked cats you wouldn't have made the following comment:

Besides, every "glass" I own is made of plastic anyway. It doesn't leave nearly as big a bump as a glass "glass".
so explain to me this: If you like other peoples cats but still throw YOUR plastic cups at cats (because ofcoarse, they don't leave as big a bump), does that mean you have a cat in YOUR house. Maybe you shouldn't, oh high master of the food chain...lmao!!!!


Old Timer
Jul 17, 2002
K folks...keep it civil...
@ biznacho....please don't be an instigator in an already 'walking the line' type thread.
Not everyone likes cats, and some people hate them, but I don't want to hear anyone talk about abuse etc...or I'm shutting the thread down..


Old Timer
Apr 9, 2004
Yve said:
pleeeeease, spare us all....if you really liked cats you wouldn't have made the following comment:
Allow me to take both sides. I love cats, and have one of my own, who is the most annoying, poorly behaved cat in the world. (My wife wouldn't let me get upset with her when she did things like scratching the carpet, etc, etc as a kitten, and that's the result. :( )

She's also the cutest thing in the world, and I love her, anyway. I really hope that we reach an understanding at some point that she should be better behaved and I won't get p-o'd at her. That would be good.

Ok, so the cat 0wnZ0rz me. Here I am looking at a picture, thinking, well, maybe she isn't the _most_ poorly behaved cat:

(I'm the larger one...)

Yes, she gets plastic cups thrown at her sometimes ;) Well, not directly, but sometimes the only way to disuade a really poorly behaved cat from doing something is to startle them, and the squirt-gun isn't always handy.

Anyway, there are some things that you can't train a cat not to do, and hunting is one of them. Getting into places they shouldn't is another. (You can't train them not to, but you can force them not to....) There's a certain amount of responsability which comes with having a cat in the house. That's not the cats fault, but rather the person who decided to keep it as a pet.



Ok, so the cat 0wnZ0rz me. Here I am looking at a picture, thinking, well, maybe she isn't the _most_ poorly behaved cat:

(I'm the larger, more out of focus one...)


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Old Timer
Jun 15, 2004
zombieagogo said:
The simple fact that the cat continued coming at you while you were throwing things at it should earn some respect.
I think that attitude rules.
"what else ya got?"
Sorry to hear that your salamander got it.
A screen lid may have prevented this mishap.
Or perhaps someone with enough testicular fortitude (a.k.a. balls) to simply pick the cat up and take it outside instead of throwing <stuff> at it.
It's a cat brother, not a crocodile.
You threw a <naughty word!> GLASS at it!
Thats messed up guy, I think you need some help.
I was some were between 4-6 at the time, and was ill. I would've got up myself and kick that cat a good one in the face if I could think it was when I got my arm broken, but maybe not, being I was throwing stuff. Then again there was my left arm. That cat was evil, it knew I couldn't get up and took advantage of that. Cats are the devils angel, they exist for no more reason than to take advantage of other and decieve them into becoming mind slaves. Chill out dude I was just a little kid, and I loved that salamander more than anything. And that cat knew it was helpless a tried to eat him, but only managed to kill him. the cat knew I sucked at throwing, he saw me play baseball. I hate cats. :mad: That cat was fed like a freaken king. He was fat! And yet he still couldn't help him self to spare the life of a poor innocesnt salamander.

And zombieagogo, If the cat was dumb enough to not leave when I was throwing the lego's. He deserved to get hit, I only did it to attemped to save my salamander, I'd rather the cat dead then my salamander. However the cat did not die, he just got a sore head. The salamander lived for a total of a day later then died of infection, stress. etc etc.
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Old Timer
Jun 15, 2004
Yve said:
Its the nature of the beast. You don't have to like its nature but don't blame the beast.

what exactly do you mean by that statement? Is it someone elses cat that lives in the house that you don't want in the house or is it a neighbours cat?

Either way, if you dislike them that much I would find other ways to keep it if not out of the house than atleast out of your room. If the cats an aggresive hunter that lives in your home than its your responsibility to make sure it doesn't get at your other pets.
I ment I did not like this cat, I hated it. It was my no good sisters who HAD to keep him inside when everyone told her to keep the dumb thing outside. I hate it but my mom told her to keep it outside, she didn't. So there.
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