This week has just sucked! Found one of my A. versi in a death curl early this morning. I have been fighting to keep it alive for a couple weeks now, but today I lost it. I placed it in an ICU (again) as soon as I found it, and it seemed to be doing a lil better at first, but went to check on it one last time tonight and it was all curled up. Unresponsive to anything. I kinda had a feeling it would end up this way, it has not been doing good for a couple weeks, touch and go since its first molt in my care a couple weeks ago. It just seemed off after that last molt. I kept it in another room of the house for a couple weeks now, and it pulled through a couple times but not this time. I have another sling from the same seller that is doing fine, so I thing this one was just not meant to be. Its just upsetting, first Loki went now Sweetie is gone too. At least this time my fiancee knew not to laugh, and gave me hug. He already went out of his way to get me another P. Irminia to try and cheer me up. It's just been a depressing, death filled weekend.