Another One...


Old Timer
Jun 1, 2006
:( :( Not that it's a horrible thing but I'm finding that A LOT of the babies I bought 2 or 3 years ago are turning out to be male. I was really hoping to keep some of these guys for years ya know, guess I need to get more than 2 or 3 at a time.

My 2nd geniculata turns out to be a male (just sexed a molt tonight) and the other molted a month or so ago (he's male too) Neither are mature yet though,

BOTH King baboons I've had for almost 3 years matured in the last month or two also.

And 1 of the 2 irminias that I've had for a good 2 years matured in December!

I DID sex my only large B emilia early last year, she turned out female. I was ecstatic about that for a month! haha I told people that wouldn't think twice about tarantulas as pets.

I know the hobby doesn't continue without these guys but dammit I wanted to keep SOME.

Oh I'd really like to sell these guys so I can get some new ones and start ALL over again. I've listed them here...


Old Timer
Aug 23, 2007
I completely sympathize with you. Of the T's I started out with I now have 2 MMs within a month of each other, that hooked out. I am now breeding one but really like him and wanted to have him around a bit more.

LOL on your telling people about your T stuff. I do that too. They totally don't get it but who cares. I Love my T's!!

Just got my first versi sling from a seller here and I love her! You can't go wrong with one. Good luck.


Old Timer
Jun 1, 2006
Ya I have 2 versicolors that are definitely of sexable(is that a word?) size, but I cant ever get to their molts. Maybe next time... I'm really wanting more Avics. I got 3 minatrix from Botar but they're still only 1" or so.

I really enjoyed those little versi slings, they were Soo pretty. Still beauties now tho. Oh I forgot that 1 of the 2 is in premolt now so maybe I'll get to the exuvium this time.:rolleyes:

I DO have 26 total, many of which are not quite to a size where I could see a spermathecae without a microscope.

Ya it's just been one after another the last couple months. I just really hope they don't go to waste as I have no females to match them with. I think it's really gonna hurt me to see them wandering all over the place with no girl in sight!

Here's my Rogue that I'm o so proud of


Old Timer
Dec 12, 2005
That is a very pretty emilia!

Both my first 2 tarantulas turned out male, I remember being really disappointed about it because like you say you want to have them around for a long time. One of them (G. aureostriata) matured last May and I still have him, but it doesn't look like he's going to get to breed which is a bit sad. At least he's quite chilled out, I don't think I could handle seeing him pacing around all the time.

I recently bough 5 B. smithi slings. It was only £20 for them all and I figure that way I HAVE to end up with atleast one female! Slings are definitely the best way to do it imo, and lots of them :D


Old Timer
Dec 26, 2007
I have the opposite problem, I have got quite a few slings and quite a few of them have turned out to be female. Where I have limited space I can't keep them all when they grow into adults.