Another Carolina Question


Apr 18, 2022
Hello again. I posted a couple days ago that my beloved female Carolina wolf spider passed. I had it planned to preserve her in acohol (Read that 80%-90% alcohol was recommended for spiders, but can only find 70%), but every time I pick up the container she's in, some part of her moves. Sometimes, it's a leg or two, other times it's her pedipalps or even a mix of all of them. Not to mention, when I first found her in her enclosure, some of her legs were curling while others were straight out and I found her on her back. Since she has been in the new container, all of her legs are now sticking straight out. I have been waiting to make sure she has truly passed before going forward with the preservation. Is it normal for a large deceased spider to continue moving after passing? Below is a picture for reference. Thanks in advance. Update: She moved her fangs a little bit ago. First time she has done that since before I removed her from her enclosure. Does any one know what could be going on?


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Nov 5, 2021
She might not be dead. If you nudge her a little, does she react? Her death pose in the picture is highly unusual... all her legs should be curled up. She could be very sick or something else...


Apr 18, 2022
Some times she'll move when I move the container and other times she won't. Sometimes just a little here and there and other times it'll be more. I'll give her honey water on a qtip when she moves, although, I'm not sure if she's taking any. Also, it looks like she may have used the bathroom in the container. This is my first time owning a Carolina and really don't know what's going on. Update: she used the bathroom in the container again and her legs wiggled a good bit when I tapped on the side of the container this morning.
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